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Why Mess with the Standards?

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2 Why Mess with the Standards?

3 What are Alabama College and Career Ready Standards (ACCRS)?
academic benchmarks defines knowledge and skills students should master for success in college/career Why are the ACCRS important? Ensures a strategic progression of skills and concepts shared goals How were the standards created? diverse team of teachers, parents, administrators, researchers, and experts in education validation committee reviewed the standards to ensure they met the development criteria What does the ACCRS mean for students? holds students to rigorous, yet attainable, academic benchmarks designed to ensure college and career readiness allows kids to stay on track when their families move between states

Alabama College & Career Ready Standards Endeavor’s Parent Academy Page Alabama State Department of Education

5 Common Core Standard RF.4.4
Read with sufficient accuracy and fluency to support comprehension. I Can Statement I can easily read and understand books at my level well.

6 Based off the standards
Written in student-friendly language Break down lofty objectives into learning targets Covers specific learning for each lesson



9 Building Independent Thinkers
Remember… Alabama’s standards are a progression and a process for building base skills. Students are shown various ways to problem solve - the goal is independent thinking and students who are prepared for careers that might not yet exist. The big shift is from rote memorization to building deep understanding of concepts. Multiple strategies are used such as small groups, self-assessments, ongoing formative assessment. Provides students with multiple methods for mastery of standards. Students are learning soft skills like collaboration, communication, and organization as they learn the standards.

10 At the end of the day, the most overwhelming key to a child’s success is the positive involvement of parents. -Jane D. Hull


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