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Presentation on theme: "2018 GREAT LAKES- MIDWEST/ROCKY MOUNTAIN REGION LEADERSHIP CONFERENCE"— Presentation transcript:

JULY 27 & 28, 2018 Chapter Board & Chapter Officers Training – Membership/Marketing/Communications BREAKOUT SESSION

2 Membership Director GOALS-
Understanding and promoting the benefits of membership Keeping existing members happy Finding and recruiting members

3 Membership Director RESPONSIBILITIES-
Keeping the membership list current Receive & process membership applications Sending letters to non-renewing members Contacting new, previous, and prospective members

4 Membership Director Developing a Program for New Members
Contact new members by phone Actively welcome new members and encourage member involvement Greet new and potential members at meetings Help to get new members involved on a committee

5 Strategies for member retention
Focus on new chapter members Get everyone involved in an activity Give Recognition for member involvement/contributions Develop an Effective Process for Renewals Listen to and meet member expectations

6 Membership- Discussion Questions
What is the value of being an ARMA member? “Why should I join?” What are the elements of an effective membership campaign? What are the barriers? How do you attract new members? Where do you draw members from? What specific activities/procedures does you chapter utilize for new members? [Orientations? Chapter Mentors? Welcome Committees? Others?] What are some methods for getting members actively involved? What are the primary reasons members leave? Do you have a process in place for vetting why a member is leaving? Are you aware of the Chapter Group on the ARMA website and how to access your chapter membership reports? What is your member renewal process? Does your chapter consistently reach out to members up for renewal?

7 Marketing and Communications
COMMUNICATIONS DIRECTOR- Identifies best methods for chapter communications Develops chapter communications regarding upcoming meetings, activities, etc. Develops and maintains chapter websites and social media channels Provides access to special resources such as board meeting minutes, scholarship forms, newsletters, jobs etc. Maintains/updates membership distribution lists.

8 Marketing and Communications
MARKETING DIRECTOR- Sets up and maintains channels of distribution to the community and the media for info on chapter events/seminars Maintains lists and contacts appropriate vendors to support chapter events/seminars Creates opportunities to promote the chapter throughout the community Responsible for chapter’s annual community service project.

9 Websites and Social Media
Resource for members & non-members Minimal cost Takes significant time investment to do well Takes significant expertise to do well Importance of branding and design Keep the Calendar and upcoming events up to date Reflects poorly if not kept up to date

10 Communications/ Marketing- Discussion Questions
What is the primary method for communicating with chapter members? Do you have a chapter newsletter? If so, how often is it published? How is it shared/accessed? Does your chapter utilize social media? What platforms? How successful is it? Do you have a social media plan? What are the primary marketing methods utilized by your chapter? Does your chapter have a marketing plan or committee? How often are your chapter website/social media pages updated? Does the same person do it year after year? Is there any succession planning or training for maintaining your communications plan? Discuss five ways your communications and marketing plan could be improved Communications/ Marketing- Discussion Questions


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