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Objective 8.01: RECOGNIZE ways to control comfort through air quality.

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Presentation on theme: "Objective 8.01: RECOGNIZE ways to control comfort through air quality."— Presentation transcript:

1 Objective 8.01: RECOGNIZE ways to control comfort through air quality.

2 The main issues to consider when addressing home air quality are those related to moisture, mildew, and air filtration.

3 Air Filters Used in furnaces and intake areas to remove dust or air impurities Should be changed every 30 days.

4 Carbon Monoxide Detectors
Sounds an alarm when low levels of CO are detected.

5 Radon Detection Radioactive gas that occurs naturally in soil and rock
Second leading cause of lung cancer Seeps into home through cracks in foundation Home tests are available to check radon levels.

6 Dehumidifier Removes excess moisture from the air that can cause mildew, molds, and musty odors Generally NOT needed if there is an air conditioner in the home.

7 Humidifier Adds moisture into air of home
Static electricity, split wood floors and furniture are SURE signs that home is too dry.

8 Air Purifiers Reduce indoor pollution such as dust, mold, bacteria, and other pollutants.

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