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Presentation on theme: "LET’S PLAY JEOPARDY!!."— Presentation transcript:


2 Jeopardy A B C D Q $100 Q $100 Q $100 Q $100 Q $100 Q $200 Q $200
Final Jeopardy

3 What is the Legislative Branch’s main job?
$100 Question What is the Legislative Branch’s main job?

4 $100 Answer from Fraction Lingo
To make laws

5 What is the main job of the Executive Branch?
$200 Question What is the main job of the Executive Branch?

6 $200 Answer To carry out the laws

7 Name one group that makes up Congress
$300 Question Name one group that makes up Congress

8 Senate or House of Representatives
$300 Answer Senate or House of Representatives

9 List 2 requirements to be President
$400 Question List 2 requirements to be President

10 Citizen of the US for 14 years
$400 Answer 35 years old Natural born citizen Citizen of the US for 14 years

11 What is the job of the Judicial Branch?
$500 Question What is the job of the Judicial Branch?

12 To interpret (understand) laws
$500 Answer To interpret (understand) laws

13 $100 Question Which branch of government has the Supreme Court?

14 $100 Answer Judicial Branch

15 $200 Question What is the name of the document that the United States uses as its rule of law?

16 $200 Answer The Constitution

17 $300 Question from Multiplying Fractions
Who were three framers of the Constitution?

18 $300 Answer from Multiplying Fractions
George Washington James Madison Benjamin Franklin

19 After an idea for a bill, the proposed bill goes to a...
$400 Question After an idea for a bill, the proposed bill goes to a...

20 $400 Answer Committee

21 $500 Question Where does a bill go after it’s gone to committee for review?

22 Senate or House of Representatives for vote
$500 Answer Senate or House of Representatives for vote

23 Who is the head of the Executive Branch?
$100 Question Who is the head of the Executive Branch?

24 $100 Answer The President and cabinet members

25 $200 Question Changes to the Constitution are called

26 $200 Answer Amendments

27 List one duty of the Legislative Branch
$300 Question List one duty of the Legislative Branch

28 $300 Answer

29 $400 Question Explain one power of the Executive Branch

30 $400 Answer

31 $500 Question If the President signs a bill, then it is sent to the ____________ Branch to decide if the law in constitutional.

32 $500 Answer Judicial

33 The Bill of Rights is the first ____Amendments
$100 Question The Bill of Rights is the first ____Amendments

34 $100 Answer 10

35 $200 Question What is a change to the Constitution called?

36 $200 Answer Amendment

37 When a President denies a bill going through, this is called …:
$300 Question When a President denies a bill going through, this is called …:

38 $300 Answer veto

39 $400 Question When the Constitution was first written, what was missing?

40 $400 Answer A Bill of Rights

41 $500 Question Why are there three Branches of Government?

42 Checks and Balances- so not one Branch has too much power.
$500 Answer Checks and Balances- so not one Branch has too much power.

43 Name 5 of the first 13 colonies?
Final Jeopardy Name 5 of the first 13 colonies?

44 Final Jeopardy Answer New Hampshire Georgia New York North Carolina
Massachusetts South Carolina Maryland Virginia Delaware New Jersey Rhode Island    Pennsylvania Connecticut

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