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Discrete Fourier Transform

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Presentation on theme: "Discrete Fourier Transform"— Presentation transcript:

1 Discrete Fourier Transform
Continuous: Discrete:

2 Bandwidth Limited Transforms 1
Inverse Let For

3 Bandwidth Limited Transforms 2
Discrete t: Coefficients cn of the exponential form of the FS for F(2x) for

4 Bandwidth Limited Transforms 3
This set of points in the time domain determines F() completely F() determines f(t) for all time Must have W1W so that all the bandwidth for nonzero F() is used (otherwise lose information)

5 Sampling Frequency Sampling frequency: Since W1W (Nyquist frequency)
Can sample at a higher frequency but inefficient If we sample at less than Nyquist rate? f(t) not completely determined Can get ‘aliassing’

6 Aliassing Sampling at Nyquist frequency gives correct signal
Less than Nyquist rate eg - Gives incorrect wavelength (aliassing)

7 Aliassing Example Example

8 Inverse Discrete FT Numerical rule: Inverse Discrete FT

9 Forward DFT Consider (for some integer m) But what is m? DFT

10 DFT - Summary Inverse Discrete Fourier Transform

11 Example1 : Find DFT of fn=n, with N=3

12 Example 2: F is the 12-point DFT of a real signal f of length 12.

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