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Light Horse History One of the riders re-enacting the Light Horse journey, Beersheba; Light Horse commemorative statue - Photos J Curry.

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Presentation on theme: "Light Horse History One of the riders re-enacting the Light Horse journey, Beersheba; Light Horse commemorative statue - Photos J Curry."— Presentation transcript:

1 Light Horse History One of the riders re-enacting the Light Horse journey, Beersheba; Light Horse commemorative statue - Photos J Curry

2 General Sir Harry Chauvel
General Sir Harry Chauvel in

3 Memorial plaque to Chauvel St Paul’s Cathedral Melbourne
Memorial plaque St Paul’s Cathedral Melbourne – P Kentley

4 Map produced by Geographx with research assistance from Damien Fenton and Caroline Lord. Map of 'Sinai campaign 1916 map', URL: (Ministry for Culture and Heritage), updated 14-Aug-2014

5 Diorama from the Australian War Memorial
Romani Sinai Desert Artwork Diorama from the Australian War Memorial

6 The Allied forces lost 202 men, mostly ANZACS
The Turkish toll was 1,250 killed, almost 4,000 injured and another 4,000 captured Photo J06076

7 Michael Shanahan in hospital
Michael Shanahan in hospital – 2nd Australian Light Horse, Cairo Sept 1916

8 Bill the Bastard statue, Murrumburra, NSW
Bill the Bastard statue, Murrumburrah, NSW, Australia –

9 Charge of Beersheba Disputed picture of the charge at Beersheba (or re-enactment) – Australian War memorial It was probably taken when two regiments of the 4th Brigade, Australian Light Horse, re-enacted the charge for the official photographer Frank Hurley, at Belah on 7 February 1918.

10 Painting by Jennifer and Ron Marshall
Chaaarge! – Painting by Jennifer and Ron Marshall Painting by Jennifer and Ron Marshall – Chaaarge! Major Eric Hyman leads his troops into battle.

11 Sloan ‘Scotty’ Bolton DCM and Elsie
Scotty and Elsie wedding photo

12 Watering the horses, Beersheba

13 9th Light Horse Jordan Valley
9th LH regiment Jordan Valley near Jericho

14 Map – Palestine Campaign WW1 - Map produced by Geographx with research assistance from Damien Fenton and Caroline Lord. 'Palestine campaign map', (Ministry for Culture and Heritage), updated 14-Aug-2014

15 Light Horse troops near Megiddo with prisoners
Photo B00256

16 Jenin – taken by 9th and 10th Light Horse regiments
9th and 10th LH regiments, Jenin

17 Queensland Black Watch
Ist Reinforcements Egypt. June Too Dark for the Light Horse Collection. Courtesy David Huggonson. Website:

18 Rugby player and Great Grandfather of Cathy Freeman
Frank Fisher – 11th Light Horse Rugby player and Great Grandfather of Cathy Freeman Frank Fisher, 11th Light Horse regiment was a well-known Rugby player and Cathy Freeman’s great-grandfather.

19 Semakh Station – in 1918 and now restored
Semakh railway station Station now restored – Jill Curry

20 ANZAC monument Semakh Australian memorial at Semakh – Jill Curry

21 Chauvel leads the troops into Damascus

22 Governor’s residence - Damascus
Arab troops arriving at the Governor’s residence for the surrender of Damascus – Australian War Memorial

23 Turkish prisoners of war
Turkish Prisoners of War, advance to Damascus -

24 Balfour declaration

25 Accomplishments in 1918 Defeated 3 Turkish armies – that had decimated the ANZACs in Gallipoli Captured 75,000 prisoners and 360 guns Ended the Ottoman Empire & the war in the Middle East Liberated ¾ of Palestine (today Jordan and northern Israel) and Syria (today Lebanon and Syria) & re-wrote the maps of the Middle East

26 ANZAC Light Horsemen General Sir Harry Chauvel commanded a corps of 34,000 mounted troops They travelled 560 kilometres from Jaffa to Aleppo in 6 weeks on horseback Attacked across a front of 160 kilometres All accomplished while plagues of sickness were hitting the troops Created the ANZAC Light Horse legend

27 Partition of the Ottoman Empire
Map of mandates – Base map - CIA World Fact Book

28 Partition of Palestine
Homeland for Arabs – 77% Became Jordan Homeland for Jews – 23% Became Israel Map of Partition of Palestine – – Doron

29 Formation of the current Middle East
Republic of Turkey Kingdom of Iraq Lebanese Republic – 1943 Syrian Arab Republic – 1946 Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan State of Israel

30 Netanyahu - Be’er Sheva 2017
“Exactly 100 years ago brave Anzac Soldiers liberated Beersheba for the sons and daughters of Abraham 100th Anniversary Beersheba – J Curry and opened the gateway for the Jewish people to re-enter this stage of history”

31 “Had the Ottoman rule in Palestine and Syria not been overthrown by the Australians and the New Zealanders, Beersheba re-enactment 2017 – J Curry the Balfour Declaration would have been empty words...It did not create the state of Israel but enabled its creation. ” – Malcolm Turnbull Oct 31, 2017 Be’er Sheva

32 Zechariah 12:2-3 Jerusalem – a cup that causes reeling to all the people around

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