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2 Measures of Dispersion and Skew ness
LECTURE 27 Measures of Dispersion and Skew ness Part 2

3 Measures of Central Tendency, Variation and Shape for a Sample
Mean, Median, Mode, Midrange, Quartiles, Midhinge Range, Interquartile Range, Variance, Standard Deviation, Coefficient of Variation Right-skewed, Left-skewed, Symmetrical

4 Measures of Central Tendency, Variation and Shape
Exploratory Data Analysis Five-Number Summary Box-and-Whisker Plot Proper Descriptive Summarization Exploring Ethical Issues Coefficient of Correlation

5 Coefficient of Variation
Summary Measures Summary Measures Central Tendency Variation Quartile Mean Mode Coefficient of Variation Median Range Variance Standard Deviation Geometric Mean

6 Measures of Central Tendency
Mean Median Mode Geometric Mean

7 The Mean (Arithmetic Average)
The Arithmetic Average of data values: Sample Mean Sample Size Population Size Population Mean

8 The Mean The Most Common Measure of Central Tendency
Affected by Extreme Values (Outliers) Mean = 5 Mean = 6

9 The Median Important Measure of Central Tendency
In an ordered array, the median is the “middle” number. If n is odd, the median is the middle number If n is even, the median is the average of the 2 middle numbers

10 The Median (continued)
Not Affected by Extreme Values Median = 5 Median = 5

11 The Mode A Measure of Central Tendency Value that Occurs Most Often
Not Affected by Extreme Values Mode = 8

12 The Mode There May Not be a Mode There May be Several Modes
Used for Either Numerical or Categorical Data No Mode Two Modes

13 R = Largest – Smallest Value
DISPERSION OF DATA Range R = Largest – Smallest Value Example Find range: 31, 26, 15, 43, 19, 27, 22, 12, 36, 33, 30, 24, 20 Largest value = 43 Smallest = 12 Range = 43 – 12 = 31

14 Midrange Midrange A Measure of Central Tendency
Average of Smallest and Largest Observation: Midrange

15 Affected by Extreme Value
Midrange Affected by Extreme Value Midrange = 5 Midrange = 3

16 Quartiles Not a measure of central tendency Split ordered data into 4 quarters Position of i-th quartile: 25% 25% 25% 25% Q1 Q2 Q3 i(n+1) Q i 4 Data in Ordered Array: 1•(9 + 1) Position of Q1 = = 2.50 Q1 =12.5 4

17 DISPERSION OF DATA Quartile Deviation Q.D = (Q3 – Q1)/2 Example
Find Q.D 14, 10, 17, 5, 9, 20, 8, 24, 22, 13 Q1 = (n+1)/4th value = (10+1)/4 = 2.75th = (9 - 8)= x 1= 8.75 Q3= 3(2.75) = 7.75th value = 8th value (8th value –7th value) = (20 –17) = 19.25 Q.D =(19.25 –8.75)/2 = 5.25

18 Exploratory Data Analysis
Box-and-whisker: Graphical display of data using 5-number summary Median(Q2) X X Q Q largest smallest 1 3 4 6 8 10 12

19 Distribution Shape & Box-and-whisker Plots
Left-Skewed Symmetric Right-Skewed Q Q Q Q Q Q 1 1 3 3 1 3 Median Median Median

20 Five-Number Summary (Symmetrical Distribution)
Smallest Q1 Median Q Xlargest Data perfectly symmetrical if: Distance from Q1 to Median = Distance from Median to Q3 Distance from Xsmallest to Q1 = Distance from Q3 to Xlargest Median = Midhinge = Midrange

21 Five-Number Summary (Nonsymmetrical Distribution)
Xsmallest Q1 Median Q Xlargest Right-skewed distribution Median < Midhinge < Midrange Distance from Xlargest to Q3 greatly exceeds distance from Q1 to Xsmallest Left-skewed distribution Median > Midhinge > Midrange Distance from Q1 to Xsmallest greatly exceeds distance from Xlargest to Q3

22 Determining the 5-Number Summary Example
For the sample representing annual costs (in Rs.000) for attending 10 Conferences, the ordered array is: Ordered: State the 5-number summaries: Xsmallest = 13.0 Q = 14.9 Median = 15.3 Q = 16.4 Xlargest = 23.1 Data appear right-skewed Median < Midhinge < Midrange

23 Graphical display of data using 5-number summary
Box-and-Whisker Plot Graphical display of data using 5-number summary

24 Shape & Box-and-Whisker Plot

25 Coefficient of Variation
Summary Measures Summary Measures Central Tendency Variation Range Standard Deviation Mean Mode Interquartile Range Midrange Median Coefficient of Variation Midhinge Variance

26 Measures of Variation Variation Variance Standard Deviation
Coefficient of Variation Range Population Variance Population Standard Deviation Sample Variance Sample Standard Deviation Interquartile Range

27 Ignores How Data Are Distributed:
The Range Measure of Variation Difference Between Largest & Smallest Observations: Range = Ignores How Data Are Distributed: Range = = 5 Range = = 5

28 Interquartile Range = 17.5 - 12.5 = 5 Measure of Variation
Also Known as Midspread: Spread in the Middle 50% Difference Between Third & First Quartiles: Interquartile Range = Not Affected by Extreme Values Data in Ordered Array: = = 5



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