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Warm Up Answer in the warm up portion of your worksheet.

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Presentation on theme: "Warm Up Answer in the warm up portion of your worksheet."— Presentation transcript:

1 Warm Up Answer in the warm up portion of your worksheet.
Work with your small group, have answers written on your paper. What are some examples of primary and secondary sources that you have worked with in social studies?

2 Primary Sources you have used
Secondary Sources you have used a source for historical study written after the event it describes, usually with the aid of a primary source sources written by people who participated in or observed the events they describe

3 Objective Historians will be able to identify and distinguish between primary and secondary sources, and how historians use them through a reading response, and source analysis activity.

4 Reading Open up Across the Centuries and read pages 16-17
Fill in the chart (non-written sources, written primary, written secondary sources)

5 Whiteboard Washout Primary or Secondary?
Identify each of the following artifacts as either primary or secondary sources of information and explain why each artifact fits into that category.
















21 Nonwritten sources- help us with prehistory. Fossils, ruins, and artifacts Written primary sources- sources written by people who participated in or observed the events they describe A sailor writing about a voyage, an explorer writing about a new place they are exploring

22 Written secondary source-
a source for historical study written after the event it describes, usually with the aid of a primary source. A girl writing about stories her grandmother told her A historian researching what someone else wrote

23 Discovery Ed Video After viewing this video, answer the question below your warm up question. CC_Primary_2Mb.mp4 Why are secondary sources still useful for historians? Analyze the primary sources-can turn up new information/insights about that event If the primary source is destroyed you still have information about it in the 2ndary. Historians combine all of the primary sources to get a complete story

24 Read pages 18-19 and answer the three questions on your worksheet
Why are primary sources generally more accurate than secondary sources? People who actually saw or took part usually tell a more accurate story Why don’t all people who take part in an event have the same view of that event? They don’t have the same background- a loser of a battle will have a different view than the winner. Why can’t a final history of the past be written? There will always be new sources to study, new questions to ask, and new points of view about what things mean to us or to people back then.

25 Conclusions… In your own words define a primary source.
In your own words define what a secondary source is. What are some of the pros and cons of using primary vs secondary sources?

26 +Information is from the time period/place of the event
Primary Sources Secondary Sources +Information is from the time period/place of the event +Original +Gives insights about what people were thinking then Can have bias, exaggeration, lies -Different points of vies/conflicting views (Not the whole picture) +More information because it compiles different primary sources (more likely to get a more complete picture, than just one primary source) +Experts research the primary sources +Exaggeration/lies should be less -Not from the event, so details and points of view may be missing -Authors can misinterpret information or different authors have different interpretations

27 Warm Up What things must historians keep in mind when they study the past? Who is the source? Are they accurate/trustworthy? Are there any views not included? When was it made? Why was it made? What does it tell us?

28 Historians will be able to identify similarities and differences, seek answers to questions left unanswered in the sources, and defend a claim on which type of source is most accurate.

29 Source Analysis Today we will be questioning sources to determine what they tell us about different cultures, but also what they do not tell us. We will start with the Byzantine Empire Together as a class we will analyze three sources and then you will be broken into small groups to analyze other cultures. Be prepared to share out to the whole class when we finish.

30 Source 1 Mosaic of Justinian


32 Source 2 Excerpt from Procopius description of Justinian
As to the belief that a woman should not be daring among men or asset herself boldly, I consider the present crisis does not allow us to debate that. My opinon is that now is a poor time for flight, even though it bring safety….If now you wish to go, Emperor, nothing prevents you. There is the sea, there ar the steps to the boats. But take care that after you are safe, you do not find that you would gladly exchange that safety for death. For my part, I like the old saying that “The Empire is fine burial cloth.” Recorded by Procopius, circa 550


34 Source 3 Page 43 Across the Centuries

35 Group Analysis You will be divided into different groups and you will analyze three sources. Be sure to complete your charts and answer the two reflection questions at the bottom.

36 Class 1 Africa Group 1 Group 2 Europe Japan Shayla Paige Aiden Emma
Sophia Matt Allision Collin Ryder Donte Maddy Luke Ashlyn Brianna Courtney Riley Connor Symera Hasibur Braden Cailey Jon Connor J Scott

37 Class 2 Africa Group 1 Europe Japan Gunnar Olivia Kayla Emily Mason
Ryleigh Julia Haley Haris Carter Kaylen Jalen Gina Logan Micah

38 Class 3 Africa Group 1 Group 2 Europe Japan Nancy Cameron Connor
Camryn Shawn Ashby Chase Elizabeth Elana Tara Jackson Sidney Kailey Julianna Gavin Hannah John Christian

39 Class 4 Africa Group 1 Group 2 Europe Japan Allison Grayson G Dalton
Maddy Alyson Mara Luke Grayson B CJ Lily Emma Megan Brandon Casey Bryce Sophie Evan Katherin Madison Ashley Ben

40 Based on the source analysis activity, what similarities and differences do you notice between primary and secondary sources?

41 What type of source was the easiest to understand and use?
Which type of source gave you the clearest information about your unit of study?

42 Insufficient Response
Exit Ticket Which type of source (Primary or Secondary) provides the most accurate depiction of the cultures you will be exploring this school year. Defend your choice with at least 2 reasons using evidence from our classroom learning. Stick your response in the primary or secondary pile. 4 Exceptional 3 Experienced 2 Emerging 1 Beginning Insufficient Response Composing the Claim The claim completely answers the question and demonstrates relevant reasoning. The claim completely answers the question and attempts to demonstrate relevant reasoning. The claim answers the question. The claim does not answer the question or is irrelevant to the text. A claim is not stated.

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