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Survey Comment Summary

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1 Survey Comment Summary
98 surveys returned = 62 online, 36 paper 955 members on roster, 195 listed as active = 50% Survey Response Category S W O T Total Comments Membership: Attendance, Engagement, & Demographics 8 64 25 53 150 Congregational Culture & Member Relationships 76 30 19 11 136 Community (Scandia, partnerships, other area churches) 27 61 34 133 Change – Attitude, Leadership & Society 4 31 130 Music Program 50 29 7 97 Pastor: Relationships & Sermons 44 18 Youth and Family 22 46 10 9 87 Facility 54 5 17 1 77 Worship Program 26 12 67 Communication, PR, or Technology 3 21 62 Additional Ministries/Social Programming 16 6 60 Leaders & Volunteers within congregation 52 Outreach 20  0 Finances 14 45 History & Tradition 24 2 Office and building staff 23 Grand Total 417 370 281 227 1295

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