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ETVX Process Notation.

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Presentation on theme: "ETVX Process Notation."— Presentation transcript:

1 ETVX Process Notation

2 ETVX Process Notation - Concept
Task Entry eXit Validate ETVX = Entry – Task – Validation - eXit Adapted from: Radice, R., IBM Systems Journal, 1975.

3 ETVX Notation * * Note: Mandatory elements are underlined Step Title
An active verb is used to define the step title e.g. Prepare project plan Step Description Describe the overall purpose of this step One to three sentences Performers List who will execute the activity. Inputs List what artefacts will be used during the performance of the tasks. It is not necessary for all the inputs to exist in order to begin the activity. Entrance Criteria List prerequisites that the input artefacts must satisfy in order to begin the tasks. * Note: Mandatory elements are underlined

4 ETVX Notation * Note: Mandatory elements are underlined
Task Description Describes the tasks to be performed Active verb-noun are used to describe activities e.g. Test the Code, Distribute the Document Exit Criteria States what conditions the output artefacts must meet before the task is considered complete. Outputs List artefacts generated as a direct result of performing the task. * Note: Mandatory elements are underlined

5 ETVX Notation * Note: Mandatory elements are underlined Measures Risks
List the measures to be collected during the execution of the tasks. The measures are used to monitor activity progress, to aid in estimating the effort required to complete the activity, and to improve the process. Total staff-hours is a mandatory measure of each step. Risks List the risks elements of this activity. References List the documents that can be used to support the tasks. * Note: Mandatory elements are underlined

6 ETVX Process Notation Process Name - Step Number and Step Title 1 3 2
Tasks Inputs Outputs 1 3 Active verb + object 2 Entry Criteria Exit Criteria 5 6 4 Measures

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