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Lecture 5: Writing Page 35 - 43.

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Presentation on theme: "Lecture 5: Writing Page 35 - 43."— Presentation transcript:

1 Lecture 5: Writing Page

2 Office Hours Room 213 Thursday Evening 7-9 PM

3 Normal Writing Take your time Organize your thoughts Write and rewrite

4 Business writing is not like normal writing

5 Business Writing Work under huge time pressures
Must write quickly and under pressure

6 Business Writing Deadlines to meet Clients to please
Meetings to schedule

7 Business Writing We must learn how to increase efficiency
Objective: WRITE FASTER!

8 Business Writing Before we write, we must make some decisions:

9 Business Writing Set Communication Strategy
Decide whether to write or not Split writing into stages

10 Business Writing Set Communication Strategy
Decide whether to write or not Split writing into stages

11 Communication Strategy
Set your objectives: General Action Communication

12 Communication Strategy
What do I want? How will my writing help me get this? After reading, what will my audience do?

13 Communication Strategy
Choose your style Tell? Sell? Consult? Join? This will keep you organized

14 Communication Strategy
Know your Audience. This will help to structure your writing.

15 Communication Strategy
Choose your channel. Which is the most appropriate?

16 Communication Strategy
Choose your channel. For quick response, use . For large decisions, a business report would be better

17 Communication Strategy
Review lecture 4 and Chapter II for more on Communication Strategies

18 Communication Strategy
Review lecture 4 and Chapter II for more on Communication Strategies

19 Business Writing Set Communication Strategy
Decide whether to write or not Split writing into stages

20 “To write or not to write, that is the question”

21 Do I write? Do you have an important reason to write?

22 Do I write? Reasons: Someone has asked you to Way to stay organized
Good format for making mistakes

23 Do I write? Is writing the best thing to do?
Maybe a meeting or a phone call would be better.

24 Do I write? Do I want a permanent record?
Are my feelings real or temporary? Are you the right person to be writing?

25 Do I write? Sometimes speaking is a better option...
Do you need more audience feedback? Do you need a quick response?

26 I will write!

27 Business Writing Set Communication Strategy
Decide whether to write or not Split writing into stages

28 Stages It will be more efficient to split your writing into the five stages of the writing process.

29 Stages Gathering Organizing Focusing Drafting Editing

30 Stages We will look at each of the five stages more in depth

31 Stages Gathering Organizing Focusing Drafting Editing

32 Gathering This is the first step
There are different ways to go about it

33 Gathering Option 1: Collect from outside sources

34 Gathering Books Files Financial Statements Printouts Websites
Interview people Etc.

35 Gathering Option 2: Be more intuitive. USE YOUR BRAIN!

36 Gathering Option 2: Be more intuitive. USE YOUR BRAIN!

37 Gathering Brainstorm: think very hard about your topic, alone or with others. Write it down! Free writing: make yourself write (even if it doesn’t make sense)

38 Gathering Always keep notes and carry paper and a pen.
You never know when you might get an idea you need to write down.

39 Stages Gathering Organizing Focusing Drafting Editing

40 Organizing Once you have enough info, you must organize your thoughts.
Many different ways of doing this

41 Organizing This should be a way for you to visualize your information.

42 Organizing A traditional outline A mind map A pyramid shaped chart

43 Organizing A traditional outline A mind map A pyramid shaped chart

44 Outline Use different labels 1,2,3; a,b,c; i,ii,iii;
For items of different importance

45 Outline 1. Section Title Main Point 1 Supporting point 1

46 Organizing A traditional outline A mind map A pyramid shaped chart

47 Mind Map Put the main point in the middle and supporting points around it


49 Organizing A traditional outline A mind map A pyramid shaped chart

50 Pyramid Chart Main ideas on top
Ideas get more specific as we work our way down

51 Pyramid Chart In the book. Page 39

52 Stages Gathering Organizing Focusing Drafting Editing

53 Focusing Now that you have your ideas organized, decide what are the important parts of your message

54 Focusing There are many techniques. Follow along on Page 40

55 Focusing Skimming Teaching 2 minute Summary

56 Focusing Imagine the reader “skimming”
Skimming = to read very fast, focusing on main points, not details

57 Focusing Imagine the reader “skimming”
What do they need to know the most?

58 Focusing Summarize your large number of ideas into a few sentences.
This helps separate main and minor ideas

59 Focusing Teach your ideas
Think about how you would teach these ideas to someone who is not an expert

60 Focusing Teach your ideas This makes you think about your audience.
It is most important that they understand!

61 Focusing “2 minute summary” “Elevator Summary”
Imagine your boss wants you to tell him/her about your report in two minutes

62 Focusing “2 minute summary” What would you say?
What would you talk about?

63 Focusing Use one or many of these or other techniques

64 Focusing Now you have an organized, focused list.
You may find now you have to go back and get more information

65 Focusing This is fine! Go back and research and organize more if necessary.

66 Writing Those first three steps: Gathering Organizing Focusing

67 Writing Are considered “pre-writing” Things you need to do before writing

68 Writing Pre Writing is just as important as writing! A good writer spends 50% of time prewriting. 50% of time writing.

69 Writing Once we are done prewriting, we must go to the writing phase.

70 Stages Gathering Organizing Focusing Drafting Editing

71 Drafting The first stage of writing.

72 Drafting Write in any order:
Don’t worry about writing Introduction – Main Body - Conclusion

73 Drafting Write in whatever order is the easiest for you.
Many people say to write Introduction last.

74 Drafting Avoid editing or correcting
Drafting should be creative, not technical. Leave editing for after draft is done

75 Drafting Print! Print! Print! Print your draft and read it.
Better to have a hard copy than to stare at the computer all day!

76 Drafting Take your time.
After you are done drafting, take a break, relax before editing.

77 Drafting Take your time.
This will give you time to organize your thoughts.

78 Drafting Take your time.
This will give you time to organize your thoughts.

79 Stages Gathering Organizing Focusing Drafting Editing

80 Editing Edit for content Read through your paper.
Make sure it says what you want it to.

81 Editing We will discuss this next time.

82 Editing Please Read Chapter III Pages 52-67

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