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DASA for Students: Bullying, Harassment, and Discrimination Prevention

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Presentation on theme: "DASA for Students: Bullying, Harassment, and Discrimination Prevention"— Presentation transcript:

1 DASA for Students: Bullying, Harassment, and Discrimination Prevention
Reporting and Advocates for Change Play music: Anti bullying or support i.e.: True Colors, Song for Tre. Check Youtube. Tracey D. Messinger, M.S. Ed.

2 Housekeeping

3 Working Agreement What do you need to feel safe today?
What rules do we need today? Newsprint: Create working agreement

4 Goals: What Do you Want to Learn?
Write down on newsprint what students what to gain from workshop?

5 Parking Lot Write questions on sticky note Place in parking lot
Answer throughout workshop Have a parking lot drawn on newsprint and post near front of room. Students should have pencils or pens and sticky notes available

6 What is DASA? Dignity for All Students Act NYS Legislation
Bullying, Harassment and Discrimination Cyberbullying

7 Covered Groups: NYS (11) Code of Conduct Issues- Race Color
Weight National Origin/Ethnicity Religion Religious Practice Disability Sexual Orientation Gender Gender Identity or Expression Sex Code of Conduct Issues- Other acts of bullying not covered under protected groups Examples: poverty, being weird, different, talk, short, athletic, musical, etc.

8 Who Can Report? YOU!

9 Where To Report- Tell someone at school, ANYONE! Tell a parent
Tell a friend

10 Why Don’t Students Report?
Brainstorm a list, then continue to next slide.

11 What Prevents You from Reporting?

12 Let’s Practice Activity 4: Scenarios Practice Standing up for someone and reporting.

13 Bullying Is About Power
Power Over Others Sharing Power With Others

14 Cycle of Bullying Who is involved in Bullying
Creating Advocates and Defenders Talk about ways to advocate: Do’s and Don’ts

15 NYS DASA Covered Groups
Dominant Excluded Oppression NYS DASA Covered Groups White People People of Color Racism Race, Color Magazine Look Everyone Else Lookism Weight Citizen Undocumented or Resident Nativism National Origin/ Ethnicity “Standard” English Non-English speaking, English with accent, dialect of English, low English literacy Linguisicsm National Origin/Ethnicity Christian All other Spiritual Beliefs Christian Hegemony Religion Religious Practice People without disAbilities People with disAbilities Ableism Disability Heterosexual Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual, Questioning… Heterosexism Sexual Orientation Males Females, Intersex, Non-binary… Sexism Gender, Sex Cisgender People Transgender people, Gender Non-Conforming … Cissexism Gender Identity, Gender Expression Handout in training manual. Translations are easier to read in the full-sized handout.

16 Speak Up Poster: Create a Poster in groups of 2-3 students OR
Message should be about stopping Bullying OR Supporting Someone who is being Bullied Activity 5: Materials: poster board, markers, tape. Students create a poster. When finished have groups share and tape to wall.

17 Conclusion Together We Can Stop Bullying!
Stand Up to Bullying on the Spot Silence is acceptance!

18 Thank You for Participating
Resources are in the handout packet. If you know of other resources, share them!

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