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Unit Two, Day 1 Origins of Life.

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1 Unit Two, Day 1 Origins of Life

2 Opener What are essential characteristics that living things must have? Work with the people at your table and make a list on the white board 5 minutes

3 Agenda Evidence of Evolution Assessment Friday Pass back work
Updating your Reading Comp 4 is your study guide Pass back work Origins of Life Plant Next Gen of plants!!

4 Old Work Put both parts of your test into your file folder
We will go over test next week Not everyone has taken it yet Place your old work into your binder

5 New LT #1 I can identify and describe different hypotheses about the origin of life on Earth, and evaluate the evidence supporting each hypothesis

6 4 stages Monomers (amino acids and nitrogen bases)
Macromolecules (proteins and nucleic acids) Protocell (plasma membrane) Self-Replication (DNA or RNA)

7 From zero to life in . . . The recipe for life includes:
The basic elemental ingredients: C, N, O, S, P, H Organic (carbon based) Molecules

8 The origin of living systems
The process of evolution explains the diversity and unity of life. A number of experimental  investigations have provided evidence that the conditions early in the Earth’s history provided  an environment capable of generating complex organic molecules and simple cell-like structures. The Miller-Urey experiment showed that the elements found in the atmosphere could have combined to create the building blocks for life.

9 The “organic soup” model
hypothesized primitive atmosphere contained inorganic precursors from which organic molecules could have been synthesized through natural chemical reactions catalyzed by the input of energy. In turn, these molecules served as monomers (building blocks) for the formation of more complex molecules, including amino acids and nucleotides

10 Some models suggest that primitive life developed on biogenic surfaces, such as clay, that served as templates and catalysts for assembly of macromolecules Under laboratory conditions, complex polymers and self-replicating molecules can spontaneously assemble. It remains and open question whether the first genetic and self-replicating material was DNA or RNA

11 RNA World The RNA world hypothesis proposes that RNA could have been the earliest genetic material

12 Video #1

13 Earth is VERY Old Earth is 4.6 billion years old
Fossil records show an orderly appearance of the different forms of life on the planet with humans arriving very late on the scene! 2 types of ways to date fossils Relative dating Radioactive dating

14 Fossils of lobe-finned fishes, which are ancestors of amphibians, are found in rocks that are at least 380 million years old. Fossils of the oldest amphibian- like vertebrate animals with true legs and lungs are found in rocks that are approximately 363 million years old. Three samples of rocks are available that might contain fossils of a transitional species between lobe finned fishes and amphibians: one rock sample that is 350 million years old, one that is 370 million years old, and one that is 390 million years old. Select the most appropriate sample of rocks in which to search for a transitional species between lobe-finned fishes and amphibians. Justify your selection. Describe TWO pieces of evidence provided by fossils of a transitional species that would support a hypothesis that amphibians evolved from lobe-finned fishes.

15 Generation 2 Use some cleaner and wipe your containers, then rinse with water Add the string Soil Make sure not to bury your seeds too deep in the soil

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