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SBS Quality reporting item 4 of the agenda

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1 SBS Quality reporting item 4 of the agenda
Structural Business Statistics Working Group 14 April 2015, Luxembourg Vaida Bakšytė

2 Legal frame SBS – Quality reporting 2012
Commission Regulation (EU) No 275/2010 as regards the criteria for evaluation of the quality of structural business statistics Commission Regulation (EU) No 446/2014 (Annex III) amending Commission Regulation (EU) No 275/2010 by introducing the ESS standard quality report structure

3 ESS Metadata Handler application
2012 SBS quality reports based on the new ESS Metadata Handler application

4 Quality reporting on SBS - Annexes I to IV and VIII
End of January 2015 – launching of the quality reporting exercise based on this application tool and termination of exchange of the Word format documents Countries provided Eurostat with their completed quality reports by the end of March 2015

5 State of play (1) Annexes I-IV
Sent to: 28 Member States, Norway, and Switzerland On the 1st of April: Quality reports were provided by all countries (except EL) 13 countries (BG, CZ, IT, CY, LV, LU, AT, PT, RO, SI, SK, FI, and CH) ticked the national files "For publication" which gives the right to Eurostat to disseminate the metadata on the website

6 State of play (2) Annex VIII Sent to: 28 Member States and Norway
On the 1st of April: Quality reports were provided by all countries (except EL) 9 countries (BG, CZ, DK, IT, LT, LU, AT, SI, and SK) ticked their national files "For publication"

7 Future of the quality reports
Half of the countries marked the metadata files for Annexes I to IV for publication Eurostat would like to encourage countries to make the information available as much as possible Surprisingly, some countries have not restricted the confidentiality rules for publication Eurostat will ask the countries for the final approval before publishing the metadata files

8 Future of the quality reports

9 Thank you for your attention!

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