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HPRA delivery on strategic plan

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1 HPRA delivery on strategic plan
13 June 2018 J. Gabriel Beechinor, HPRA

2 Agenda/Topics to Be Covered
What is in the plan that is of relevance to me? What progress is being made? What new items have come up since the plan was agreed? Is the plan able to be changed, as needed?

3 Stratetic goal 1 Optimised regulatory systems
2. Better informed users 3. Access to health products 4. Supporting innovation 5. Internal capabilities

4 Strategic Plan 2016 – 2020 HPRA Strategic Goals
1. Optimised Regulatory Systems 2. Better Informed Users 3. Access to Health Products 4. Supporting Innovation 5. Internal Capabilities

5 Optimised regulatory systems
Effective surveillance systems Pharmacoviglance, Increase in numbers of reports Risk management planning, Risk management policies in place and reviewed regularly Watching brief regarding regulation of new products, HPRA personnel involved in scientific advices and new therapies Collaboration with other State agencies, HPRA personnel serving in other roles e.g. interdepartmental committee on AMR etc

6 Optimised regulatory systems / Access to health products
Commitment to EU EMA / HMA strategy, Ranking in EU procedures, lead in initiatives Manage availability Monitor veterinary medicinal products on the market, Number of products authorised, number of products with joint UK/Ireland labelling, initiatives to improve availability

7 Better informed users Rational and safe use, Prompt and appropriate communications Stakeholder engagement, Number of inputs to educational events, number of Information Days Communication on new legislation, Number of inputs to Department of Agriculture on new Regulation, Number of articles written

8 Supporting innovation /internal capabilities
Regulatory and scientific advice, Number of meetings with companies, number of scientific advices given Encourage development and use of non- animal tests, Communications with stakeholders on availability of alternatives

9 Internal capabilities
HR strategy, Strategy rolled out L&D plan, Plan rolled out Optimise organisation structure, Structure adapted according to business needs ICT systems, Enhanced IT system rolled out Finances, Business continues to comply with government requirements

10 Progress update

11 Effective surveillance systems
Pharmacoviglance, Increase in numbers of reports Risk management planning, Risk management policies in place and reviewed regularly Watching brief regarding regulation of new products, HPRA personnel involved in scientific advices and new therapies Collaboration with other State agencies, HPRA personnel serving in other roles e.g. interdepartmental committee on AMR etc

12 Optimised regulatory systems / Access to health products
Commitment to EU EMA / HMA strategy, Ranking in EU procedures, lead in initiatives Manage availability Monitor veterinary medicinal products on the market, Number of products authorised, number of products with joint UK/Ireland labelling, initiatives to improve availability

13 Better informed users Rational and safe use, Prompt and appropriate communications Stakeholder engagement, Number of inputs to educational events, number of Information Days Communication on new legislation, Number of inputs to Department of Agriculture on new Regulation, Number of articles written

14 Supporting innovation /internal capabilities
Regulatory and scientific advice, Number of meetings with companies, number of scientific advices given Encourage development and use of non- animal tests, Communications with stakeholders on availability of alternatives

15 New items since plan was adopted


17 Other items The next recession ? An Ghaeilge ? Others?
For American farmers, the Great Depression began not with the stock market crash in 1929, but with the collapse of agricultural prices in So, the entire decade of the 1920s was a time of poverty and crushing indebtedness, leading to ever-rising foreclosures of family farms.

18 Review of plan


20 Thank you

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