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Psychological Defense Mechanisms

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1 Psychological Defense Mechanisms

2 Displacement Transferring emotions from the original source to another
Usually occurs when the person feels unable to face the situation or person who brought out the original emotion in them.

3 Reaction Formation Behaving in a manner opposite to way you are feeling You should have heard me tell her off.., I feel bad for yelling at my friend…

4 I don’t want to go to work today!!!
Regression Reverting to immature behavior to express emotions Usually because they feel neglected or want attention I don’t want to go to work today!!!

5 I used to spray graffiti on buildings…
Sublimation Directing your energy into a useful rather than unacceptable goal I used to spray graffiti on buildings…

6 Identification/Idealization
Assuming the qualities of someone you admire – can help to set personal goals Or…allows people to see others as they want them to be, but it keeps them from seeing others as they really are Not seeing others as the really are can lead a person to expect too much from them…and expectations lead to _______________.

7 Daydreaming Fantasizing to escape an unpleasant reality

8 I was never a good athlete, but I’m a good salesman!
Compensation Making up for weakness in one area by excelling in another area Often occurs when people feel insecure or expect too much of themselves I was never a good athlete, but I’m a good salesman!

9 It’s not my fault. My boss gave me the worst clients.
Projection Putting your own faults onto someone else Used when people do not like what they see in themselves It’s not my fault. My boss gave me the worst clients.

10 It’s no big deal I called in sick…there are plenty of other employees
Rationalization Making excused for actions or feelings It is an attempt to preserve self-esteem & avoid feelings of guilt. Assigning a rational explanation to irrational behavior It’s no big deal I called in sick…there are plenty of other employees

11 I don’t have a problem! Nothing is wrong at all.
Denial Refusing to recognize an emotion or problem Protection from facing an unpleasant fact the person cannot yet accept I don’t have a problem! Nothing is wrong at all. Hahahahahaha…

12 Repression Painful thoughts or feelings are pushed away from conscious thought

13 Negativism Always seeing the negative side of situations protects a person from potential failure

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