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Study Guide Answers.

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1 Study Guide Answers

2 What is classification
Sorting into groups based on similarities and differences

3 Why do scientists classify plants and animals
To study plants and animals and understand the living world

4 How are animals classified
How they reproduce Body structures

5 What are vertebrates Animals with a backbone and skeleton

6 What are invertebrates
Animals that do not have a backbone. Invertebrates have an exoskeleton or shell.

7 What are the 5 types of vertebrates
Fish, amphibians, reptiles, mammals, birds

8 What are characteristics of fish
Cold-blooded Breathe with gills Have scales Live in water Have eggs

9 What are gills Special organs fish use to breathe

10 What are characteristics of amphibians
Cold blooded Smooth, moist skin Begin life in water and eventually live on land Live near water Lay eggs

11 What are characteristics of reptiles
Cold blooded lungs Rough skin with scales or hard plates Live on land Lay eggs

12 How are amphibian and reptile eggs different
Reptiles have eggs that are hard and tough Lay eggs on land Amphibian eggs are softer Lay eggs in water

13 What are characteristics of birds
Warm blooded Lay eggs Have feathers

14 What are characteristics of mammals
Warm blooded Have lungs Have fur or hair Live birth

15 How are plants classified
How they reproduce How they transport materials inside the plant

16 Are mushrooms a type of plant? Why or why not?
No, they are decomposers

17 What are characteristics of vascular plants
Tubes that transport water and sugars Stems, leaves

18 What are characteristics of nonvascular plants
Grow close to the ground No roots No tubes Grow close to water source

19 What two ways do plants reproduce
Seeds and spores

20 Describe ferns Vascular plants that reproduce using spores

21 What are characteristics of deciduous plants
Leaves fall off every year Leaves change colors Have broad leaves

22 What are coniferous plants
Plants that have cones Leaves do not fall off Most are evergreen

23 What are angiosperms Seeds that are protected by flowers or fruit

24 What are gymnosperms Seeds that are in a cone or in hard berries

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