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“Mission Accomplished!”

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Presentation on theme: "“Mission Accomplished!”"— Presentation transcript:

1 “Mission Accomplished!”
Nehemiah 6:1-16

2 Rick Atchley, preacher from Ft
Rick Atchley, preacher from Ft. Worth, TX tells of the time he took one of his elders golfing with him. Atchley was telling this elder how demanding and challenging…

3 All leaders must have spiritual discernment
All leaders must have spiritual discernment. Nehemiah had “spiritual radar” – a shrewdness that made him spiritually alert…

4 Purpose: to examine some of the storms we can expect when accomplishing God’s work

5 I The Hazard of Being Distracted (6:1-4)
A. The Offer Sounded Credible

6 Like being told you can eat all the chocolate you want… Their invitation was just too good to be true!

7 Notice they do NOT offer to come to Jerusalem; instead, they say “…let us meet together in the plain of Ono.” Nehemiah’s response went something like, “O, No!”

8 I The Hazard of Being Distracted (6:1-4)
A. The Offer Sounded Credible B. Distraction is Satan’s Ploy

9 Tells of a time while in Atlanta, Georgia that he was looking through a phone book for a restaurant. He found one called “The Church of God Grill.” This fascinated him; so, he called and asked about the name…

10 Satan is doing his best to get you/me so distracted with “good” matters… so that we neglect “Godly” matters…

11 II The Hazard of Being Defamed (6:5-9)
A. Notice the Message Sent B. Notice the Method

12 We all know too well criticizing and starting the “rumor mill” about leaders is a popular sport even in the church…

13 II The Hazard of Being Defamed (6:5-9)
A. Notice the Message Sent B. Notice the Method C. Notice the Response

14 Nehemiah knew that the truth would ultimately prevail and that dealing with rumors was a perfect waste of time…

15 III The Hazard of Being Deceived (6:10-14)
A. To Focus on Himself B. To Appear as a Coward

16 By urging Nehemiah to run and hide in the Temple…

17 III The Hazard of Being Deceived (6:10-14)
A. To Focus on Himself B. To Appear as a Coward C. To Go Against God’s Word

18 Sir Percival Lowell was a most esteemed astronomer of 19th century
Sir Percival Lowell was a most esteemed astronomer of 19th century. In 1877, Lowell looked through his giant telescope until he was convinced he too saw canals on Mars… Today, such a condition is called “Lowell’s Syndrome.” He wanted so badly to see the canals…

19 Nehemiah knew truth is God’s nature
Nehemiah knew truth is God’s nature. God can’t say anything through a prophet that would contradict His Word. Thus, Nehemiah had what all of God’s leaders need = DISCERNMENT!

20 Conclusion/Summary: 1. When distractions tempt you to leave, stay at the task…

21 “Even the ‘good’ becomes bad if it keeps you from doing the best!”

22 Conclusion/Summary: 1. When distractions tempt you to leave, stay at the task… 2. When tempted by “advisors” to go contrary to the Word, always stick with the Word…

23 “A Bible falling apart usually belongs to someone who isn’t!”
Charles Spurgeon

24 Conclusion/Summary: 1. When distractions tempt you to leave, stay at the task… 2. When tempted by “advisors” to go contrary to the Word, always stick with the Word… 3. When criticism tempts you to quit, stay on your knees…

25 “If I were to try to read much less answer all the attacks made on me, this shop might as well be closed to all other business. I do the best that I know how. I mean to keep on doing it until the end. If the end brings me out all right, then what is said about me won’t amount to anything. And if the end brings me out wrong, ten thousand angels swearing I was right won’t make any difference.” Abraham Lincoln

26 When all is said and done, it’s only what God says about us that really matters!

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