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©2013 by Transforming Churches Network Opening Doors to Your Community Through Seasons of Discovery.

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Presentation on theme: "©2013 by Transforming Churches Network Opening Doors to Your Community Through Seasons of Discovery."— Presentation transcript:

1 ©2013 by Transforming Churches Network Opening Doors to Your Community Through Seasons of Discovery

2 ©2013 by Transforming Churches Network WHAT? What is Seasons of Discovery?

3 ©2013 by Transforming Churches Network Overview: What is Seasons of Discovery? How does Seasons of Discovery Work? What happens in each season? How do we get involved?

4 ©2013 by Transforming Churches Network Transforming Churches Network Seasons of Discovery Is … A Two-Year Introductory Process Delivered into Four Seasons That helps your church begin to engage your community with the Gospel of Jesus

5 ©2013 by Transforming Churches Network What Will You Discover? People in your community who are looking for hope (1 Tim. 6:17) Good works that God has prepared in advance for us to do in the community (Eph. 2:10) People within the congregation who have a passion for reaching the lost (Rom. 1:16)

6 ©2013 by Transforming Churches Network More Discoveries Gods unique vision for your church (1 Tim. 2:4) Joy and excitement from living out that vision in your community (Phil. 4:4) The 8 Hinge Factors that open doors to your community (John 10:9)

7 ©2013 by Transforming Churches Network Each Season Includes: Personal Coaching & Peer Learning Group for the Pastor Tools for Equipping People for Ministry Events to Rally the People of the Church around the Theme of the Season Outreach Activities

8 ©2013 by Transforming Churches Network Each Season Equips 3 Groups Pastor & Staff A Mission-Minded Group Called People of Passion The Entire Church

9 ©2013 by Transforming Churches Network HOW? How Does Seasons of Discovery Work?

10 ©2013 by Transforming Churches Network Timeline of the Seasons Churches have 2 blocks of time (seasons) in a year in which to work consistently on projects; Fall (Labor Day to Thanksgiving) Winter/Spring (Jan-Feb & Easter to June15) This multi-phase process focuses on areas of discovery spread out into four or more seasons.

11 ©2013 by Transforming Churches Network Equipping for the Pastor Learning Communities guide Pastors through the process in each of the seasons. Coaching will be available to support pastors and leaders throughout the process. Pastors in areas where Learning Communities are not available will receive extra coaching.

12 ©2013 by Transforming Churches Network Year 1 Season 1 Preparation Introduction to the Basic Principles and Practices of Transformation (Romans 12:2) Season 2 Visioning Discovering Gods Vision for your Community

13 ©2013 by Transforming Churches Network Year 2 Season 3 Outreach Finding Practical Ways to Reach Lost People in your Context Season 4 Empowerment Empowering your Congregation to Effectively Engage People in your Community With the Gospel

14 ©2013 by Transforming Churches Network Year 3+ Season 5 & Following Discovering How Your Church Can Adapt to Meet the Future Needs of Your Community Learning How to be Missional in a Post-Church Culture

15 ©2013 by Transforming Churches Network What Happens? What happens in each season?

16 ©2013 by Transforming Churches Network Season 1 Preparation

17 ©2013 by Transforming Churches Network Season 1 Outcomes A core group of people who are passionate about sharing the Gospel with unchurched people will be identified and equipped to catalyze outwardly focused attitudes in the congregation. The case for being missional as a prioroity will be made to the people of the congregation. Identify the values gap between believing that making disciples is a priority and actually living it out.

18 ©2013 by Transforming Churches Network Season 1 Actions Gather & equip people who are passionate about sharing the Gospel Survey the congregation Introduce the process to the congregation (launch event) Pray about the process Experience Understanding Church Life Cycles seminar Facilitate Motivation for Mission study, small group curriculum for the whole congregation

19 ©2013 by Transforming Churches Network Season 1 Tools Provided by TCN Hinge Survey and Report People of Passion Guidebook People of Passion Training Video Church Life-Cycles Webinar or Seminar Motivation for Mission Small Group Study with Leaders Guide

20 ©2013 by Transforming Churches Network Season 2 Visioning

21 ©2013 by Transforming Churches Network Season 2 Outcomes Become aware of who the unchurched in the community are, what they need, and which of those needs they might address in order to interface with them Write a vision statement which is specific with regard to mission targets, goals and strategies Emphasize a specific vision beyond weekly worship and customary programs

22 ©2013 by Transforming Churches Network Season 2 Actions Hold a Building Bridges to the Community seminar Form a visioning team Gathering data from the community Facilitate an Envisioning Day to identify critical mission targets in the community Writing a Vision Statement Integrate the Vision into congregational life

23 ©2013 by Transforming Churches Network Season 2 Tools Provided by TCN Building Bridges to the Community webinar or seminar Training Video for the visioning process Season of Visioning resources Day of Visioning seminar or interactive webinar Special coaching related to composing a vision statement

24 ©2013 by Transforming Churches Network Season 3 Outreach

25 ©2013 by Transforming Churches Network Season 3 Outcomes The people of the church will be able to form relationships with unchurched people in the community and to share their faith in Jesus within that context. (skills) The church will begin to create venues wherein the members might interface with the community. (opportunity)

26 ©2013 by Transforming Churches Network Season 3 Actions Hold Community Outreach 1 seminar on forming relationships with unchurched people Coordinate small groups that will study Natural Evangelism Community Outreach 2 seminar on how to share faith in Jesus in the context of a relationship Facilitate 3 Outreach Events

27 ©2013 by Transforming Churches Network Season 3 Tools Provided by TCN Community Outreach I Seminar or webinar Natural Evangelism Small Group Study with Leaders Guide Community Outreach II Seminar or webinar Outreach Event Training Video

28 ©2013 by Transforming Churches Network Season 4 Empowerment

29 ©2013 by Transforming Churches Network Season 4 Outcomes Continue to build confidence and skills in reaching unchurched people with the Gospel Assess its attitudes, style and structure with the intention of aligning the congregations ministry with its mission and vision. Rather than building programs to attract new people, focus on building processes that are relevant to those whom we have reached

30 ©2013 by Transforming Churches Network Season 4 Actions Host an Empowering Gods People seminar on discipleship Skill Builders workbook: growing competency in 8 key factors of outreach Coordinate small groups that will study Prayer, curriculum for the whole congregation Organize monthly Outreach Events Attend a Hinge Seminar (chose one): Structure, Worship, Personal Leadership.

31 ©2013 by Transforming Churches Network Season 4 Tools Provided by TCN Empowering Gods People seminar or webinar Focused Prayer Small Group Study with Leaders Guide Skill Builders Workbook Outreach Event Training Video Choice of Webinars or Seminars on other hinge factors such as structure or worship

32 ©2013 by Transforming Churches Network Season 5 & Following Outcomes Think through what effective churches might look like in the future, separating issues of style from issues of substance. Confront adaptive change issues, recognizing that we have no current solutions, and begin experimenting in order to learn what skills and activities move us toward helpful solutions. Equip believers to behave more like missionaries than members of an institutional church.

33 ©2013 by Transforming Churches Network Season 5 & Following Actions As new believers mature in their faith, the churches into which they gather may look quite different from what has been conventionally thought of as church. TCN will help churches think through forms of missional communities appropriate to their settings New metrics will be developed to understand what success looks like in missional communities

34 ©2013 by Transforming Churches Network Season 5 & Following Tools Provided by TCN TCN will assist congregations in developing tools which address the needs of missional churches on the cutting edge TCN input: Continuing coaching & Learning Communities focused on adaptive issues Just-in-time learning related to new congregational contexts

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