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Welcome to Year 4 Fantastic Mr Fox and Minpins.

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome to Year 4 Fantastic Mr Fox and Minpins."— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome to Year 4 Fantastic Mr Fox and Minpins

2 Year 4 Team Mr Carney – Class Teacher- Fantastic Mr Fox Miss Webster – Class Teacher – The Minpins Mrs Shekhar – Learning Support Practitoner Mrs McGowan – Learning Support Practitioner

3 Year 4 Expectations as a Learner
Self Managers Enjoy challenges, especially open ended or deeper thinking ones. Try different ways to solve a problem. Prioritise the most important things that need doing. Welcome opportunities to take on added responsibility. Organise own time. Not put off by changes that may occur to normal routine. Describe own strengths and weaknesses. Effective Participators Persuade others to accept a proposal even though others may not at first agree with the suggestion. Know that their ideas can help other people. Decide when they need ‘time out’ or ‘thinking time’ to deal with emotions. Determined not to ‘give in’ too easily. Manage disappointments and keep emotions in check. Resourceful Thinkers Ask questions to check understanding. Tenacious when things get difficult. Sort and classify information and check it for clarity. Draw inference and make deductions from a range of sources. Give alternative solutions or explanations. Describe effective learning and compare to own learning. Reflective Learners Value and use feedback that helps to improve quality of work and learning. Review learning and identify a factor that could help make them a more effective learner. Use more than one piece of evidence to support their learning. Independent Enquirers Follow up a question to gain clarification. Use more than one piece of evidence to support their findings. Complete a task without reminders from others. Break down complex ideas into steps. Make lists when helpful to do so. Sort information and choose what is most relevant. Team Workers Take on a specific allocated role in a group. Respect and tolerate values and beliefs of others in a joint activity. Communicate capably as a team member. Keep focused on a task and avoid distractions. Respect opinion of others when different from their own.

4 Learning Challenge Curriculum
Topic based learning: English History D&T Do we solve problems with our mind or our gut instinct? Geography Maths Art Music Computing

5 English in Year 4 Writing for a purpose – making links to Learning Challenge Curriculum – stories with issues and dilemmas, problems and how are they solved. Key text – Leave Me Alone (1.1), Chronicles of Narnia (1.2) Guided Reading – delivered over the course of the week and used to develop decoding and comprehension skills.

6 English in Year 4 Stories with Issues and Dilemmas, Newspapers, Poetry, Stories with Imaginary Settings. Spellings – tion, sion, cian; ture, cher, sure; -ous suffix; -ly suffix and other rules can be found on the year group website page. Presentation – Book contracts and signed, agreed to and should be adhered to. Handwriting should be worked on to ensure writing is legible and fitting with school policy and curriculum requirements.

7 End of Year expectations
Reading: Comprehension and Understanding Give a personal point of view on a text. Can re-explain a text with confidence. Prediction, inference & deduction Justify inferences with evidence, predicting what might happen from details stated or implied. Intonation and Expression Use appropriate voices for characters within a story. Grammatical Features Identify how sentence type can be changed by altering word order, tenses, adding/deleting words or amending punctuation. Research Skims & scans to locate information and/or answer a question.

8 End of Year expectations
Writing: Sentence & text structure Vary sentence structure, using different openers. Use adjectival phrases (e.g. biting cold wind). Appropriate choice of noun or pronoun. Punctuation Apostrophe for singular & plural possession. Comma after fronted adverbial (e.g. Later that day, I heard bad news.). Use commas to mark clauses. Paragraphing Use connectives to link paragraphs. Handwriting Legible, joined handwriting of consistent quality.

9 Numeracy Singapore maths – Maths No Problem! Encouraging children to develop use of their reasoning skills; explaining their mathematical understanding and application of knowledge. Areas of learning this term: Place value – counting to 10,000; Addition and Subtraction within 10,000; Multiplication and Division within 10,000; Further Multiplication and Division; Graphs; Fractions (decimals); Time (24 hour) Presentation of work – book contracts are agreed and must be followed – we encourage children to respect and take pride for their learning.

10 End of Year expectations
Numeracy: Counting & ordering Count backwards through zero to include negative numbers. Compare & order numbers beyond 1000. Compare & order numbers with 2 decimal places. Read Roman numerals to 100. Numbers & more/less Find 1000 more/less than a given number. Tables & multiples Count in multiples of 6, 7, 9, 25 & 1000. Recall & use multiplication & division facts all tables to 12x12. Place value & rounding Recognise Place value of any 4-digit number. Round any number to the nearest 10, 100 or 1000. Round decimals with 1 decimal place to nearest whole number. Calculations +/- Add & subtract: o Numbers with up to 4-digits using efficient written method (column). o Numbers with up to 1decimal place. x/÷ Multiply 2 o 3 number by 1-digit Divide 3-digit by 1-digit Fractions & percentages Count up/down in hundredths. Write equivalent fractions +/- fractions with same denominator. Time Read, write & convert time between analogue & digital 12 & 24 hour clocks.

11 Homework Bug Club – updated with two books each week and spelling and grammar games added as and when appropriate to support in class learning. MyMaths – Updated each week, homework to reflect and support in class learning. Learning Logs – set fortnightly and shared in class to support learning challenge and other in class learning.

12 Tuesday and Wednesday – remember to wear your P.E. Kits on these days
Physical Education Tuesday and Wednesday – remember to wear your P.E. Kits on these days Areas covered this term include: Outdoor and Adventurous Dance Gymnastics Invasion Games

13 Healthy Minds Water bottles – Children have access all day.
Morning break snack – healthy snack. Healthy School Meals. Healthy lunchboxes.

14 Classroom Plan – Our Class Charter

15 Behaviour and Discipline
Positive discipline – marbles in jar, Dojo points. Star of the week, Work of the week – star of the week to reflect core value for each half term – current core value is Respect. Green card: First warning. Yellow Card: Second warning Red Card: Final Warning – recorded on behaviour log. Phase leader – Mr Long (Assistant head/Y3 class teacher)

16 We look forward to getting to know you all!
Thank You We look forward to getting to know you all!

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