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Group 2: Important People

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Presentation on theme: "Group 2: Important People"— Presentation transcript:

1 Group 2: Important People

2 King George III From England Loyalist Tried to control colonies
Punished colonies whenever they showed any signs of rebellion From doing that made them angry

3 Lord Cornwallis Born in England Was a loyalist
An important British General

4 John Adams Born in Massachusetts. He was a Patriot.
He formed the Sons of Liberty.

5 George Washington He is from Mt. Vernon Virginia. He is a patriot.
He was in the Continental Congress, led the Continental army, and was a very important role model.

6 Thomas Jefferson In the Virginia house of burgesses. Virginian Patriot

7 Patrick Henry Patrick Henry Virginian Patriot
Inspired colonial patriotism

8 Ben Franklin Born in Boston Patriot Made/wrote 1st Newspaper.

9 Paul Revere Massachusetts Patriot Midnight ride

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