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Soil Conservation Conservation - to save.

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Presentation on theme: "Soil Conservation Conservation - to save."— Presentation transcript:

1 Soil Conservation Conservation - to save

2 How do we use the land to change the land?
Mining Agriculture – crops, pastures for animals Development – the construction of homes, offices, stores, roads etc.

3 How can soil be lost or damaged?
Exhausted – soil loses fertility because crops are planted year after year. Polluted – mining, chemical spills, HUMANS Erosion – wind, water Land Degradation (aka desertification) – a once wet area, undergoes drought conditions OR grazing animals OR cutting trees

4 Soil Damage water Rills

5 Soil Damage water Rills

6 Soil Damage water Gully

7 Soil Damage – Wind Erosion Dust Bowl

8 What is soil conservation?
Soil conservation is the management of soil to prevent destruction. Windbreaks Retaining Walls Ground cover (vegetation) Terracing

9 Changes one STEEP slope into a series of smaller, flatter fields
TERRACING Changes one STEEP slope into a series of smaller, flatter fields

10 Changes one STEEP slope into a series of smaller, flatter fields
TERRACING Changes one STEEP slope into a series of smaller, flatter fields

11 Changes one STEEP slope into a series of smaller, flatter fields
TERRACING Changes one STEEP slope into a series of smaller, flatter fields

12 Trees planted along the edge of a field to prevent wind erosion
WINDBREAK Trees planted along the edge of a field to prevent wind erosion

13 Trees planted along the edge of a field / to prevent wind erosion
WINDBREAK Trees planted along the edge of a field / to prevent wind erosion

14 Retaining walls keep soil from washing down a slope

15 Retaining walls keep soil from washing down a slope

16 GROUND COVER (mulch, pine straw, rocks, vegetation/plants)
Mulch or pine straw keeps the soil covered and keeps water or wind from eroding the soil

17 GROUND COVER (vegetation)
Covering the ground with plants or rocks prevents erosion


19 Silt fences help keep soil from washing away during construction

20 Watering bare soil to prevent rain erosion or wind erosion

21 BOGGLE REVIEW GAME 2 minutes Study your notes
2 minutes Record ANYTHING you remember about soil erosion. 2 minutes Share with your partner. Add new information to your list. 2 minutes Leave your partner. Compare with another student. Receive a point for each fact you have that the other student does not have. 2 minutes Add up your score. Share in a large group facts for which you got points.

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