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Click on the link and watch this brief interview

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1 Click on the link and watch this brief interview
Why Potential Matters Who? Click on the link and watch this brief interview by the book’s author. Then reflect through the slides recalling the main ideas

2 Potential:

3 What is it? Competence: Competence com·pe·tence ˈkämpətəns/ noun
1.the ability to do something successfully or efficiently. "the players displayed varying degrees of competence" synonyms:capabilitycapability, ability, competency,  proficiencyproficiency, accomplishmentproficiency, accomplishment,expertise,  adeptness, skilladeptness, skill, prowessadeptness, skill, prowess, masteryadeptness, skill, prowess, mastery, talent

4 Change

5 Growth

6 How to Spot High Potential:

7 Motivation Hunger and Humility

8 Insight

9 Creativity


11 Engagement

12 Determination

13 Let’s sum it up: Challenge yourself. Think diversity, not comfort.
Think about not how, but what and who


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