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50 Titles of Jesus bY Debbie McDaniel

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1 50 Titles of Jesus bY Debbie McDaniel
1. Almighty One - Rev. 1: Alpha and Omega – Rev. 22: Advocate – 1 John 2: Author and Perfecter of Our Faith – Heb. 12: Authority – Matt. 28: Bread of Life –John 6:35 7. Beloved Son of God – Matt. 3: Bridegroom –Matt. 9: Chief Cornerstone – Ps. 118: Deliverer –1 Thess.1: Faithful and True –Rev.19: Good Shepherd -John 10:11 13. Great High Priest –Heb. 4:14

2 50 Titles of Jesus bY Debbie McDaniel
14. Head of the Church –Eph. 1: Holy Servant –Acts 4: I Am –John 8: Immanuel – Is. 7: Indescribable Gift –2 Cor. 9: Judge – Acts 10: King of Kings –Rev. 17: Lamb of God –John 1: Light of the World –John 8: Lion of the Tribe of Judah – Rev. 5:5 24. Lord of All –Phil. 2: Mediator –1 Tim. 2:5

3 50 Titles of Jesus bY Debbie McDaniel
26. Messiah –John 1: Mighty One –Is. 60: One Who Sets Free – John 8: Our Hope –1 Tim. 1: Peace –Eph. 2: Prophet –Mark 6: Redeemer –Job 19: Risen Lord –1 Cor. 15: Rock –1 Cor. 10: Sacrifice for Our Sins –1 John 4: Savior –Luke 2: Son of Man – Luke 19: Son of the Most High -Luke 1:32

4 50 Titles of Jesus bY Debbie McDaniel
39. Supreme Creator Over All –1 Cor. 1: Resurrection and the Life –John 11: The Door –John 10: The Way –John 14: The Word –John 1: True Vine -John 15: Truth -John 8: Victorious One –Rev. 3: – 50. Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace – Is. 9:6

5 Aliyah Statistics The number of immigrants since 1882 by period, continent of birth, and country of birth is given in the table below. Continent of birth and country of birth data is almost always unavailable or non- existent for before 1919.

6 Region/Countr y 1882– 1919– 1948– 1952– 1961– 1972– 1980– 1990– 2002– 2011– Total Africa 4,033 93,282 143,485 164,885 19,273 28,664 55,619 31,558 6,627 547,426 Algeria 994 3,810 3,433 12,857 2,137 1,830 1,682 1,967 324 29,034 Egypt & Sudan 16,028 17,521 2,963 535 372 202 166 21 37,808 Ethiopia,Eritra and Abyssinia 10 59 98 309 16,971 45,131 23,613 5,097 91,288 Libya 873 30,972 2,079 2,466 219 67 94 36 5 36,811 Morocco 28,263 95,945 130,507 7,780 3,809 3,276 2,113 384 272,077 South Africa 259 666 774 3,783 5,604 3,575 3,283 1,693 373 20,010 Tunisia 13,293 23,569 11,566 2,148 1,942 1,607 1,871 398 56,394 Zimbabwe 37 22 145 393 82 26 14 N/A 719 Other (Africa) 1,907 203 83 500 148 16 318 85 24 3,284

7 Region/Countr y 1882– 1919– 1948– 1952– 1961– 1972– 1980– 1990– 2002– 2011– Total Americas and Oceania 7,579 3,822 6,922 42,400 45,040 39,369 39,662 36,209 221,003 Argentina 238 904 2,888 11,701 13,158 10,582 11,248 9,450 60,169 Australia 116 107 742 1,146 835 977 524 4,447 Bolivia 199 94 80 53 84 510 Brazil 304 763 2,601 1,763 2,356 2,037 11,587 Canada 316 236 276 2,169 2,178 1,867 1,963 1,700 10,705 Central America (other countries which are not specifically mentioned here) 17 43 129 104 8 153 157 611 Chile 48 401 1,790 1,180 1,040 683 589 5,731 Colombia 415 552 475 657 965 3,064 Cuba 14 88 405 79 42 629 606 1,863 Ecuador 40 38 44 67 69 258

8 Other (Americas/Oceania) 318 313 148 3 8 44 12 846
Region/Countr y 1882– 1919– 1948– 1952– 1961– 1972– 1980– 1990– 2002– 2011– Total Mexico 48 168 736 861 993 1,049 697 4,552 New Zealand 70 13 91 129 124 142 42 611 Panama 64 43 50 40 245 Peru 269 243 358 612 1,539 3,021 South America (other countries which are not specifically mentioned here) 194 89 62 66 96 549 United States 2,000 6,635 1,711 1,553 18,671 20,963 18,904 17,512 15,445 103,394 Uruguay 425 1,844 2,199 2,014 983 1,555 9,086 Venezuela 297 180 418 602 1,742 Other (Americas/Oceania) 318 313 148 3 8 44 12 846

9 Region/Countr y 1882– 1919– 1948– 1952– 1961– 1972– 1980– 1990– 2002– 2011– Total Asia 40,776 237,704 37,119 56,208 19,456 14,433 75,687 17,300 498,683 Afghanistan 2,303 1,106 516 132 57 21 13 4,148 Burma 147 83 383 138 33 784 China 504 217 96 43 78 277 74 1,289 Cyprus 35 28 12 32 149 India, Pakistan, Bangladesh, and Sri Lanka 2,176 5,380 13,110 3,497 1,539 2,055 961 28,718 Indonesia, Malaysia and the Philippines 101 46 54 40 60 205 42 548 Iran 3,536 21,910 15,699 19,502 9,550 8,487 4,326 1,097 84,107 Iraq 123,371 2,989 2,129 939 111 1,325 130 130,994 Israel 411 868 1,021 507 288 1,148 1,448 5,691 Japan 9 25 34 98 255 Jordan 6 23 15 68 Lebanon 235 846 2,208 564 179 4,162 Mongolia, South Korea, and North Korea 4 5 10 100 36 155 Saudi Arabia 177 186 Soviet Union (Asia)[a] 61,988 12,422 74,410 Syria 2,678 1,870 1,664 6,235 Turkey 8,277 34,547 6,871 14,073 3,118 2,088 1,311 817 71,102 Yemen 2,600 15,838 48,315 1,170 1,066 51 17 683 103 69,843

10 Region/Countr y 1882– 1919– 1948– 1952– 1961– 1972– 1980– 1990– 2002– 2011– Total Other (Asia) 13,125 947 60 21 45 205 30 14,433 Europe 377,487 332,802 106,305 162,070 183,419 70,898 888,603 96,165 2,217,749 Albania 5 8 376 389 Austria 7,748 2,632 610 1,021 595 356 368 150 13,480 Belgium 291 394 1,112 847 788 1,053 873 5,358 Bulgaria 7,057 37,260 1,680 794 118 180 3,999 341 51,429 Czechoslovakia 16,794 18,788 783 2,754 888 462 527 217 41,213 Denmark 27 46 298 292 411 85 1,548 Finland 9 20 172 184 222 212 33 852 France 1,637 3,050 1,662 8,050 5,399 7,538 11,986 13,062 52,384 Germany 52,951 8,210 1,386 3,175 2,080 1,759 2,442 866 72,869 Greece 8,767 2,131 676 514 326 147 127 48 12,736 Hungary 10,342 14,324 9,819 2,601 1,100 1,005 2,444 730 42,365 Ireland 14 145 157 233 136 54 785

11 Region/Countr y 1882– 1919– 1948– 1952– 1961– 1972– 1980– 1990– 2002– 2011– Total Italy 1,554 1,305 414 940 713 510 656 389 6,481 Luxembourg 30 15 7 12 4 83 Netherlands 1,208 1,077 646 1,470 1,170 1,239 997 365 8,172 Norway 17 14 36 55 126 120 19 387 Poland 170,127 106,414 39,618 14,706 6,218 2,807 3,064 764 343,718 Portugal 16 22 66 56 47 28 290 Romania 41,105 117,950 32,462 86,184 18,418 14,607 6,254 711 317,691 Soviet Union (Europe) 47,500 52,350 8,163 13,743 29,376 137,134 29,754 844,139 72,520 1,234,679 Spain 80 169 406 327 321 269 178 1,750 Sweden 32 51 378 372 419 424 160 1,836 Switzerland 131 253 886 634 706 981 585 4,176 United Kingdom 1,574 1,907 1,448 6,461 6,171 7,098 5,365 3,725 33,749 Yugoslavia 1,944 7,661 320 322 140 2,029 162 12,704 Other (Europe) 2,329 1,281 3 173 198 93 4,109 Not known 52,982 20,014 3,307 2,265 392 469 422 79,851

12 Total 62,500 482,857 687,624 297,138 427,828 267,580 153,833 1,059,993 181,233 3,620,586


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