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Research Poster Template Author(s) Author Affiliation

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Presentation on theme: "Research Poster Template Author(s) Author Affiliation"— Presentation transcript:

1 Research Poster Template Author(s) Author Affiliation

2 Introduction [This section states the significance of topic and purpose of student’s project. Grading criteria: Describes exemplary evidence of a problem of significant impact or interest to the discipline or society clearly Articulates purpose and intent of the project clearly Explains how project contributes greatly to existing knowledge and answers significant questions comprehensively]

3 Methods [This section states the soundness and methodology of student’s work. Grading criteria: Demonstrates appropriate and well- crafted research design Optimizes precision and accuracy in data collection Explains steps taken to address limitations clearly]

4 Results [This section states the significance of results of student’s project. Grading criteria: Provides exemplary evidence that clearly supports the reported results are warranted Addresses any limitations fully Recommends future inquiry clearly]

5 Discussion [This section states the student’s summary and explanation of findings in lay terms. Grading criteria: Presents project information and answers questions about the project clearly, correctly, and completely Conveys interest and enthusiasm in the project Articulates within 10 minutes key points and aspects of the work in terms a non-specialist will understand]

6 Acknowledgements This project was funded by …
Assistance for this project was provided by… [Note: See grading rubric for how quality of presentation will be graded on appearance, use of graphics or other components, and aesthetic appeal]

7 References [1] Authors. (2010). Article title. Journal Title, 10, [2] Authors. (2009). Article title. Journal Title, 26, [3] Authors. (2010) Article title. Journal Title, 11, [4] Authors. (2009) Article title. Journal Title, 16,

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