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Context, context, context

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Presentation on theme: "Context, context, context"— Presentation transcript:

1 Context, context, context
Context is very important to understand any truth of a matter. This is especially true when dealing with Scripture. We should strive to understand the context for which things are spoken by God, in order to rightly divide His word (2 Tim. 2:10). We should especially strive toward this end if we are speaking upon God’s word to others (Jas. 3:1).

2 “Contextually Speaking”

3 Contextually Speaking
Fundamental concepts that relate to the subject of scriptural context. Biblically speaking, when talking about CONTEXT, we are talking about what’s going on with(in) the text. When looking to a specific passage, we need to consider what is said before, during, AND after (E.g. Jn. 3:7). Also: who said it; to whom was it said? Time? Place(s)?

4 Importance of Understanding Context

5 Importance of Understanding Context
Regarding how benevolence may be administered by the church, one must consider the context of 2 Cor. 9:13.

6 Importance of Understanding Context
Regarding how benevolence may be administered by the church, one must consider the context of 2 Cor. 9:13. Cf. Rom. 15:25-26, 31; 1Cor. 16:1; 2 Cor. 8:4, 9:13

7 Importance of Understanding Context
Regarding how benevolence may be administered by the church, one must consider the context of 2 Cor. 9:13. Phil. 4:14 is a beautiful passage of Scripture, but how is it used to encourage one to throw or catch a football better? Consider Phil. 4:10-20 (at least) & realize its true impact!

8 Importance of Understanding Context
Regarding how benevolence may be administered by the church, one must consider the context of 2 Cor. 9:13. Phil. 4:14 is a beautiful passage of Scripture, but how is it used to encourage one to throw or catch a football better? Some will staunchly contend that baptism is not essential to salvation by taking 1 Cor. 1:17 out of context.

9 Importance of Understanding Context
Regarding how benevolence may be administered by the church, one must consider the context of 2 Cor. 9:13. Phil. 4:14 is a beautiful passage of Scripture, but how is it used to encourage one to throw or catch a football better? Some will staunchly contend that baptism is not essential to salvation by taking 1 Cor. 1:17 out of context. Cf. Acts 18:1-11; 1 Cor. 1:10-17; Rom. 1:16, 6:3-5

10 Importance of Understanding Context
1 Cor. 2:9 is a passage that often is used to refer to heaven, rather than the things talked about in this passage. That is not at all how the passage is used in this verse (See 1 Cor. 2:6-16).

11 Importance of Understanding Context
1 Cor. 2:9 is a passage that often is used to refer to heaven, rather than the things talked about in this passage. 1 Cor. 3:15 is used by various denominationalists to try and say none will be lost, who have already been saved. In the context, Paul is talking about the work of converting. How is that done? Look to the analogies.

12 Importance of Understanding Context
1 Cor. 2:9 is a passage that often is used to refer to heaven, rather than the things talked about in this passage. 1 Cor. 3:15 is used by various denominationalists to try and say none will be lost, who have already been saved. 1 Cor. 10:12 is often used in a good way, but inclusion of context makes a much stronger point. Look to chapters 8, 9, and 10… Corinthians needed to understand danger inching closer to idolatry.

13 Importance of Understanding Context

14 Importance of Understanding Context
One will often refer to 1 Cor. 14:15 & (rightfully) make application that we are to sing in worship, rather than play mechanical instruments. Paul was stressing that teaching/learning was to be accomplished with use of those spiritual gifts.

15 Importance of Understanding Context
One will often refer to 1 Cor. 14:15 & (rightfully) make application that we are to sing in worship, rather than play mechanical instruments. People often go to 1 Cor. 14:33 to make the point about God not being the author of denominational confusion. The point is that the Corinthians could not blame God for their confusion in disorderly worship; it was their fault!

16 Importance of Understanding Context
One will often refer to 1 Cor. 14:15 & (rightfully) make application that we are to sing in worship, rather than play mechanical instruments. People often go to 1 Cor. 14:33 to make the point about God not being the author of denominational confusion. We tend to use 1 Cor. 15:33 when talking about the effects of being around those with bad morals (which is fine)... But the context is DOCTRINAL MATTERS.

17 Importance of Understanding Context
2 Cor. 5:7 is often used to teach that one must walk according to God’s way, as things are taught within His word. I.e., we must walk according to God’s way (faith) and not by sight (opinion). No problem with such an application, but that’s not what the passage teaches (Cf. Verses 1-11).

18 Importance of Understanding Context
2 Cor. 5:7 is often used to teach that one must walk according to God’s way, as things are taught within His word. I.e., we must walk according to God’s way (faith) and not by sight (opinion). 2 Cor. 6:14 is often used in reference to how a Christian should not marry a non-Christian (Which is an acceptable topic to study & discuss). A principle can certainly be applied, but marriage is not being discussed in this passage (Cf. 2 Cor. 6:11-7:8).

19 Importance of Understanding Context
2 Cor. 11:3 is often pointed to, with the usual application of saying, that “the gospel is simple -- the way of Christ is simple!” True, but: SINGLEMINDEDNESS in Christ instead of DOUBLEMINDNESS is the idea presented here (Cf. Verses 2-4).

20 Importance of Understanding Context
2 Cor. 11:3 is often pointed to, with the usual application of saying, that “the gospel is simple -- the way of Christ is simple!” Sometimes the point is made from 2 Cor. 13:5 that we should examine ourselves, and not others. Paul was the very one who’d taught them about Christ. So if they were seeking proof of his apostleship, all they had to do was look at their own lives!

21 Importance of Understanding Context
Isa. 55:8-9 is often cited to stress how man cannot begin to fathom the width, breadth, and depth of God’s mind. God’s abilities are infinitely higher than man’s (Duet. 29:29), that does not mean that God leaves man without a discernable standard of truth to KNOW, live by, and make a stand for (Isa. 55:6-11)!

22 Importance of Understanding Context
Isa. 55:8-9 is often cited to stress how man cannot begin to fathom the width, breadth, and depth of God’s mind. God’s abilities are infinitely higher than man’s (Duet. 29:29), that does not mean that God leaves man without a discernable standard of truth to KNOW, live by, and make a stand for (Isa. 55:6-11)! The POINT was that the people needed to GET BACK to God’s way, as revealed in His word!!

23 “Contextually Speaking”
There is danger that accompanies the ignoring the context of a passage altogether (2 Pet. 3:14-18). Even when a passage is used correctly regarding application; if the context is ignored completely the repercussion is -- that we may miss out on the beauty for which God presents spiritual truth(s) to us. Let us always strive to know the context of Scripture better. We are seeking to better understand God’s word -- not our own!

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