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Out of Season Preaching 2Timothy 4:1- 4 preach the word; be ready in season and out of season.

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2 Out of Season Preaching 2Timothy 4:1- 4 preach the word; be ready in season and out of season

3 Preaching is either in or out of season From roughly A.D.33 through the end of the first century, gospel preaching was very much in season Acts 2:41,47 > 4:4 > 5:14 > 6:1,7 > 9:31 > 16:5 > 17:12 Why was gospel preaching then so successful? In part, consider: >5:12 many signs and wonders >6:7 a great many priests (influential leaders of Judaism) became obedient bringing others >9:32-35 & 36- 42 miraculous healings >14:1, 19-21 the purpose and dedication of Paul >17:11 the activity, attitude and purpose of the people; their nobility

4 When & how did it becomeout of season ? Both questions are answered with the same: Apostasy Note Acts 20:28-30 And 1Tim.4:1-3; 2Tim.3:1-8,13; 4:3- 4 Summarized? Apostasy, whether from within or without, produces imposter religion which is impotent. Impotent religion produces only selfish and hypocritical Christians who hold the form of godliness, but in doctrine and practice deny its power 2Tim.3:5. These in turn, accumulate for themselves teachers in accordance with their own desires; and will turn their ears away from the truth 2Tim.4:3- 4.

5 Are we in season or out of season now? In the first century, gospel preaching was very much in season as we have seen in Acts. In the Middle Ages, it was very much out of season due to apostasy. In the early part of the nineteenth century, there was a thrilling resurgence of, and restoration to, gospel preaching in this country; while in Europe and France mostly remained out of season. Even in the memory of this audience, older ones remember when conversions to Christ were much more common than they are now. I think most would say that we are out of season now in this country.

6 If out of season now, what are we to do? Cant perform miracles like the Apostles did, cf Acts 8:18 > 1Cor.13:8-10. So??? Some would say we would catch more flies with honey than with vinegar. >Perhaps so- but I never wanted flies! Certainly we must preach truth in love, Eph.4:15. >But flies caught with honey never develop the taste for vinegar either, cf. John 6:2-14 > 52-69. Some say give them what they want to attract them (honey), then well teach them (vinegar). >See above considerations, again! >By this approach, most churches have turned into little more than social clubs, recreation centers, and community service organizations… and souls are lost due to impotent teaching.

7 If out of season now, what are we to do? Others realize that only gospel preaching will do, so they flavor the message: >with men who made it big in sports or business >by advertising/requiring the messengers academic achievements, dynamic presentation, humor, well- read abilities in literature or politics, and eloquence. All of which are neither new nor effective, 1Cor.1:22. >Paul certainly had the ability to satisfy their desire for signs, but didnt. cf. Mark 16:17-18 > Acts 28:3-6 >He likewise had the educational background and experiences to tout, but didnt. cf. Acts 22:1-15 So, what did he do? >1Cor.1:23, He preached Jesus! Why? vv.24-25 >1Cor.2:1-5 He made sure the power of God was powerful instead of diluted to impotence with mans wisdom, rhetoric, reasoning, and desires!

8 If out of season now, what are we to do? All we have to do is…. LIKEWISE! Preach the word; be ready in season and out of season; reprove, rebuke, exhort, with great patience and instruction. 2Timothy 4:2


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