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Information governance

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2 Information governance
Who we are Information governance Technology Culture Our vision is for users of public services to achieve better outcomes as a direct result of improved information sharing between agencies and local places Centre of Excellence for Information Sharing Local National Organisation DWP, HO, DCLG, DoH - DfE, MoJ, (BIS) Business Innovation Skills Places: Surrey, BNES, N.Notts, Blackpool Policy Areas: Mental Health, Policing, Welfare Reform, EGYV, Safeguarding / MASH, Business Regulation / Compliance Aim: Achieve better outcomes through information sharing Focus: Culture – best database and processes but doesn't mean IS will happen Leadership, Communication, Partnership Working, Learning, Decision Making, Change

3 Policy areas Troubled families Health & social care integration
Mental health & policing Safeguarding and early help Ending gang and youth violence Getting people into work


5 Supporting local areas to improve information and learning
Challenging ‘people’ barriers to information sharing Uncovering, developing and co-producing solutions Sharing learning with Government departments and national agencies

6 Supporting Local Areas
Investigate & understand Support & enable Grow & coach Champion & challenge Publish & inspire Listen, feedback & act Support : work alongside areas – not doing it for them but walking with them Reflect : hold up the mirror and reveal the bigger picture Learn: capture what works and unearth barriers and enablers Publish: website, insight studies, reports, Share: blogs, tweets, presentations, events, infostory campaign

7 Why does information sharing matter?
Better outcomes for service users Joined up services Improved productivity and efficiency


9 Why is information sharing important to you?

10 Examples of successful information sharing in local places

11 Over to you… What information sharing requirements do you have in your work? What are the key challenges? What can YOU do to overcome them?

12 Action plan postcards What things can I change?
What do I need my manager(s) support to change? What would I like to change nationally?


14 Cross cutting information sharing themes
Consent Joint training Strong leadership Partnership approach Ownership of risk Interpretation of legislation NB: Make 'no single solution' point as an overall message

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