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HERO UNIT Training Module

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1 HERO UNIT Training Module
What is Incident Management 1

2 Overview Responding to incidents is not new, but managing incidents in an effective, efficient manner is a relatively new concept. By managing incidents we are able to expedite the clean-up and removal of incidents and lessen the impact on traffic flow.

3 Purpose The purpose of this course is to introduce the participants to incident management as a means to enhance highway safety; reduce the duration of an incident and to assist disabled motorists.

4 What is Incident Management?
As defined by Webster’s Dictionary: Incident An event, occurrence or an interruption of procedures. Management to direct or control something or someone.

5 What is Incident Management?
As defined by the Georgia DOT: Incident An incident is any non-recurrent event which causes reduction of roadway capacity or abnormal increase in demand. Management The ability and technique to control an Incident through Detection, Response, Verification and Clearing of the roadway.

6 Definitions Incident Is any non-recurrent event which causes reduction of roadway capacity or abnormal increase in demand. Detection Determination that an incident of some nature has, indeed occurred.

7 Definitions Response The reaction to a reported incident for the purpose of verification and management of the incident. Verification Determination of the precise location and nature of the incident.

8 Definitions Removal/Clearing
Removal of wreckage, debris, spilled materials, etc., from the roadway and restoring the roadway capacity to its pre-incident condition.

9 2 Categories of Incidents
Predictable Maintenance Activities Construction Special Events (major traffic generators) Planned events

10 2 Categories of Incidents
Unpredictable Accidents Stalled vehicles Weather (can’t always be predictable) Bridge, Roadway, or Sign collapse Other

11 Remember When you arrive at an Incident scene remember the acronym I.F.S.T.A.

12 Remember I Identify F Formulate Objectives
S Select desired Plan of Action T Take Action A Analyze

13 Summary Incident management is a program designed to detect and remove incidents and restore traffic capacity as safely and as quickly as possible.

14 THE END Questions or Discussion

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