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The Great (gym) Divide Curricula by Design #3 M. Fischer.

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Presentation on theme: "The Great (gym) Divide Curricula by Design #3 M. Fischer."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Great (gym) Divide Curricula by Design #3 M. Fischer

2 The Great (gym) Divide contd.... The title refers to the volleyball net up in the gym for 8 weeks and using it in a way which will most benefit the students.

3 The Season Begins... Season Duration: 8 weeks Class Schedule: 90 minutes; 2 classes one week, 3 classes the next Pertinent Equipment: 2 regulation volleyballs & other standard equipment. Class: 3 classes of 38 freshman each

4 NASPE Standards Standard 1: Demonstrates competency in motor skills and movement patterns needed to perform a variety of physical activities. Standard 2: Demonstrates understanding of movement concepts, principles, strategies, and tactics as they apply to the learning and performance of physical activities. Standard 3: Participates regularly in physical activity. Standard 4: Achieves and maintains a health-enhancing level of physical fitness. Standard 5: Exhibits responsible personal and social behavior that respects self and others in physical activity settings. Standard 6: Values physical activity for health, enjoyment, challenge, self- expression, and/or social interaction.

5 Sport Education Introduces students to a team setting. Gives students a better understanding about what it means to be on a team. Can increase positivity regarding athletics for non-athletic students.

6 Sport Education Sport Education is a curriculum model designed to provide authentic sport experiences for all students through six key features; seasons, team affiliation, formal competition, record keeping, festivity, and culminating events (Siedentop, 1994).

7 Sport Education...contd The focus of this curriculum is not to create a classroom full of volleyball professionals. It gives students the opportunity to explore the game of volleyball and the skills it takes to participate and be knowledgeable regarding the sport. While competitive students have the opportunity to stretch their competitive legs. Classes will be reminded that everyone has their strengths and no one will be great at every position (on & off the court) Students can also incorporate their strengths from outside of the classroom through the different positions.

8 Curriculum Focus Focus: Participation in a team Skills & knowledge necessary to compete in volleyball Better understanding about an athletic framework.

9 Curriculum Focus...contd Focus: Educate students about the meaning of team and sportmanship through first-hand team participation. Educate students about volleyball, the components of a sports season, additional roles within a the sports community (trainer, coach, referees, etc.)

10 Positions Team Captains Referee Trainer Publicist Statistician Commentator Spirit Leaders Assistant Coach *All positions will rotate per week during the skills and preliminary games of the season. For the tournament positions will be on a volunteer basis. Students may also nominate a student for a particular position during tournament.

11 Positions...contd Each student will be given the chance to participate and learn first-hand about a multitude of different sport roles. All students will work together to facilitate a successful season. Teams will be assigned alphabetically by the teacher.

12 Positions contd... II Team Captains- Each team has a captain which changes each week. The captains are nominated each week by the teams and must be someone different each week. Referee- completed during class games and tournaments. Trainer- responsible for the first-aid kit & assisting the instructor with small tasks during Sport Safety Training. Publicist- Responsible for sending an article to the school announcements/paper each week. Statistician- position will begin during the season and extend through tournament Commentator- give play-by-play sports commentary; completed during the tournament Spirit Leaders- Each team will create their own team cheer. Spirit leaders will be responsible for pumping up the crowd during the tournament. Assistant Coach- Student will assist head coach (teacher) by giving feedback positive and constructive to the teams during practice. Will demonstrate the skills and drills.

13 Season Schedule 1: American Red Cross Sport Safety Training 2* 2: Sport Safety Training 3 3: Volleyball- conditioning/team building 2 4: Volleyball- skills introduction (pre-season) 3 5:Skills (pre-season) 2 6: Volleyball- games (in-season) 3 7:Games (in-season) 2 8: Volleyball Tournament (post-season) 3 * refers to the number of classes per week

14 Season Schedule..contd Students will become certified in American Redcross Sport Safety Training (which includes adult CPR/First-aid). Collaboration w/ the health teacher will be done to ensure there is no instructional overlap. One day during the season for each class the head volleyball coach will come in for 20 minutes and give pointers to the team as well as answer volleyball related questions.

15 Season Schedule contd II... The majority of the class, for the first 2 weeks will be devoted to certification. The first 30 minutes of class on these days will involve introduction to volleyball skills, terminology & volleyball centered alternate activities, conditioning and team-building. During week 7 students will determine which rules they, as a team they would like to change, and how. Teams will be given 30 minutes/alternative team game.

16 Practice Schedule Attendance Team review Practice led by the coach & assistant coach.

17 Practice Schedule...contd Attendance: Students are assigned to a place in the gym according to alphabetical order. The person at the start of each line takes role (not related to the curriculum model). Warm-up: Each team will determine the skills/drills they feel they need the most work on. Practice: The first 35 minutes will consist of learning/practicing skills. The last 35 minutes will involve a volleyball type game. At this time the referee, commentator, etc. will practice their roles. This time takes into account the time it takes to dress down & shower.

18 38 students/2 volleyballs=BIG Problem 38 students= 6 teams (6 students/team) + 2 students +2 students (Referee & Announcer) Teams will take turns using the volleyballs and other equipment available to safely practice volleyball skills will be used.

19 38 students...2 balls..BIG problem...contd +2 students (Referee, assistant coach, Announcer)..positions which take the student in that position out of active play. Teams will take turns using the volleyballs, alternate equipment such as beach-balls and other equipment available to safely practice volleyball skills will be used. Alternate equipment can be beneficial in practicing skills by slowing down the game and giving students a little more time to think through the skills and drills.

20 Assessment Each team will create a team poster. Posters will be displayed in the gym. * Students will be encouraged to attend one of the high school volleyball games!

21 Assessment...contd Each team will create a poster detailing Each players strengths, favorite position(on & off court), statistics, benefits of volleyball, tournament predictions, team name, colors, cheer and any other information they feel is appropriate for the season. Time will be given in class for poster creation during week 3.

22 Resources: nationalstandards.html nationalstandards.html Hastie, P. A., & Sharpe, T. (1999). Effects of a Sport Education Curriculum on the Positive Social Behavior of At-Risk Rural Adolescent Boys. Journal of Education for Students Placed at Risk (JESPAR), 4 (4), 417-430.Journal of Education for Students Placed at Risk (JESPAR) m

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