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Identity Bridging Life of Pi to Persepolis through The House on Mango Street vignettes ( definition?)

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Presentation on theme: "Identity Bridging Life of Pi to Persepolis through The House on Mango Street vignettes ( definition?)"— Presentation transcript:

1 Identity Bridging Life of Pi to Persepolis through The House on Mango Street vignettes ( definition?)

2 Identity! What does the word identity mean to you? Is the word identity just a broad term that asks “Who am I on the inside? Who am I on the outside?”

3 With you table partner…
Think of a prominent and well-known figure in our society today. Create a list of attributes that make up ___________’s identity (ask yourselves, what makes __________ who they are on the inside and the outside).

4 Identity Definition Our sense of who we are.
It is formed by a combination of many factors, including… social ties, such as our connections to a family, ethnic group, religion, community, school, or nation. personal experiences values and beliefs

5 How does identity impact culture?

6 What does Esperanza find shameful or burdensome about her name?
THOMS “My Name” What does Esperanza find shameful or burdensome about her name? Why might Cisneros have chosen this name for her protagonist?

7 Is the house a positive or negative image?
“A House of My Own” Is the house a positive or negative image? What does it alternatively preserve or imprison within its walls, and what does it keep out?

8 “Mango Says Goodbye Sometimes”
Why must Mango say goodbye to Esperanza, and not vice versa? Why is Mango Street personified as a “she”?

9 Where have you travelled?
Ethnic Background Where have you travelled? Where have you lived? What city do you live in now? What is the name of the street you live on? Describe your house. Describe your room or a favorite part of your house.

10 This I Believe This I Believe
Website: Introductory Newscast: Audio Examples Returning to What’s Natural: The Time to Help is now:

11 Where I’m From, Where I’m Going
Depict, using vivid word choice the first living space you’d like to buy to live in as an adult. What does that home mean to you, literally and symbolically? What will you have to do to reach the goal of home ownership? Do you think it is likely you’ll actually live in the house you described in #1?

12 Gallery Walk!

13 Who are you? Looking at the identity chart handout, create one of your own on a separate piece of paper. Refer back to the definition of the word identity and include all aspects of YOU!

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