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A) White blood cell (WBC) counts for 10 lymphangioleiomyomatosis (LAM) patients (nine on sirolimus, one off sirolimus) experiencing pseudoneutropenia in.

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1 a) White blood cell (WBC) counts for 10 lymphangioleiomyomatosis (LAM) patients (nine on sirolimus, one off sirolimus) experiencing pseudoneutropenia in the morning and during mid-day or afternoon. a) White blood cell (WBC) counts for 10 lymphangioleiomyomatosis (LAM) patients (nine on sirolimus, one off sirolimus) experiencing pseudoneutropenia in the morning and during mid-day or afternoon. The dotted line is the lower threshold of the normal range for WBC counts (3.98×103μL−1). b) Neutrophil counts for eight LAM patients (four on sirolimus, four off sirolimus) experiencing pseudoneutropenia in the morning and during mid-day or afternoon. The dotted line is the lower threshold of the normal range for neutrophil counts (1.56×103 μL−1). Comparisons between morning and mid-day/afternoon values were conducted with an unpaired t-test and assessment of treatment interaction was conducted with two-way repeated measures ANOVA. Vissagan Gopalakrishnan et al. ERJ Open Res 2018;4: ©2018 by European Respiratory Society

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