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21. Step that processes and interprets sensory input and decides what should be done at each moment: A. sensory input B. integration C. motor output D.

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Presentation on theme: "21. Step that processes and interprets sensory input and decides what should be done at each moment: A. sensory input B. integration C. motor output D."— Presentation transcript:

1 21. Step that processes and interprets sensory input and decides what should be done at each moment:
A. sensory input B. integration C. motor output D. none of the above

2 22. The peripheral nervous system (PNS) has two functional subdivisions: sensory and motor. The subdivision of the peripheral nervous system that consist of nerve fibers that convey impulses to the central nervous system from sensory receptors located throughout the body is the: A. afferent B. efferent

3 23. Glial cells of the CNS that line the central cavities of the brain and spinal cord and help circulate cerebrospinal fluid: A. microglial B. astrocytes C. oligodendrocytes D. ependymal

4 24.Identify the dendrites that provide an enormous surface area for receiving signals from other neurons or the environment: A. 1 B. 2 C. 3 D. 4 E. 5 25.Identify the axon terminal branches where neurotransmitters are released into the extracellular space:

5 26.Axons with a myelin sheath will conduct nerve impulses:
A. slowly B. rapidly C. to the dendrites D. only to muscle cells

6 27.In the polarized state the cytosol of the cell has a higher concentration of:
A. Na+ ions B. K+ ions 28.What primarily balances the positive charges of intracellular K+ ions? A. Cl- ions B. Na+ ions C. anionic lipids D. anionic proteins

7 29.In depolarization, the membrane potential moves toward 0mV and the inside of the membrane becomes: A. more negative B. less negative C. no change in charge D. less positive

8 30.At step 2, during the depolarizing phase of the action potential:
A. sodium gates are open, but potassium channels remain closed B. sodium gates are, closed but potassium channels remain open C. both sodium and potassium channels are closed D. both sodium and potassium channels are open

9 31. Stimulus intensity is coded for by the:
A. number of impulses generated per second B. frequency of impulse C. both are correct D. neither are correct

10 32.When an action potential is generated in a myelinated axon at a node, the local depolarization current: A. moves to the next node without going through the adjacent membrane regions B. dissipates through the adjacent membrane regions C. is cancelled D. is magnified

11 33.Identify number 1: 34.Identify number 6: A. axodendritic synapse
B. axon C. axoaxonic synapse D. axosomatic synapse E. cell body 34.Identify number 6:

12 35.Identify what is happening at Stage 4:
A. arrival of depolarization wave results in the opening of the calcium gates and calcium ions influx into the axonal terminal B. calcium ions promote the fusion of synaptic vesicles with the presynaptic membrane and exocytosis of neurotransmitter C. neurotransmitter diffuses across the synaptic cleft and attaches to receptors on the postsynaptic membrane D. binding of neurotransmitter opens the ion channels which results in voltage changes in the postsynaptic membrane

13 36.The ventricles of the brain are continuous with one another, and with the central canal of the spinal cord. They are lined with ependymal cells, and are filled with: A. cerebrospinal fluid B. blood C. air D. enzymatic fluids

14 37.The cerebral hemispheres form the superior part of the brain, and are characterized by ridges and grooves referred to as: A. convolutions B. gyri C. sulci D. grooves

15 38.Identify the Occipital Lobe:
39.Identify the Cerebellum: 40.Identify white matter: A. 6 B. 7 C. 8 D. 9 E. 10 41.Identify the Longitudinal fissure:

16 43.Damage to this functional area (4) of the brain could result in:
42. The delicious flavor of a Nifty Fifty’s Milkshake is perceived in function area: A. 1 B. 2 C. 3 D. 4 E. 5 43.Damage to this functional area (4) of the brain could result in: A. vision loss B. memory loss C. hearing loss D. difficulty in solving math problems

17 44.The motor innervation of the body is contralateral (opposite) meaning:
A. The left primary motor gyrus controls muscles on the right side of the body, and vice versa B. The left primary motor gyrus controls muscles on the left side of the body, and vice versa C. The right primary motor gyrus controls muscles on the right side of the body, and vice versa D. The left primary motor gyrus controls muscles on the both sides of the body

18 45.Just above the medulla-spinal cord junction, most of the fibers cross over to the opposite side before continuing their descent into the spinal cord or ascent into the brain. This crossover point is called the Decussation and its location is the: A. brain stem B. cerebrum C. cerebellum D. thalamus

19 46. The three connective tissue membranes (Dura Mater, Arachnoid Mater, and Pia Mater) that cover, protect, and contain blood vessels that nourish the brain are collectively referred to as: A. Skull Bones B. Meninges C. Cerebrospinal Fluid D. Homeostatic Tissues

20 47.The diagram illustrates the formation, location, and circulation of Cerebrospinal Fluid (CSF) which: A. cushions and gives buoyancy to the CNS organs B. reduces brain weight and prevents the brain from crushing under its own weight C. protects the brain and spinal cord from blows and other trauma D. nourishes the brain and transports chemicals (e.g. hormones) E. all are correct

21 48.Identify the region that contains the Cervical Spinal Nerves:
B. 2 C. 3 D. 4 E. 5 49.Identify the region that contains the Lumbar Spinal Nerves:

22 50.Identify the interneurons of the vertebral column:

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