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The US-China Economic Relationship

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1 The US-China Economic Relationship
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2 The World’s Two Biggest Economics
Economy Rank GDP (2016 nominal) Growth Rate (2016) GDP/Capita (2016) Population Population Rank Land Mass (sq km) No. 1 No. 2 $ 11,23 trillions 6.7% $ 18,62 trillions 1.6% $ 57,400 $ 15,400 1.37 billions 326 millions No. 3 9.60 millions 9.83 millions Source: CIA World Fact book; IMF

3 2017 On Track for Record Trade Deficit
2017 trade deficit on track to match record set in 2015 ■ Imports of Chinese goods ■ Exports of US goods to China Deficit 2017 2015 2010 2005 2000 1995 1990 100 200 300 400 $500 billion Source: Major US exports to China Airplanes Soy beans Electronics, equipment and machines Major Chinese exports to US Electronics, equipment and machines Clothing Furniture

4 Chinese FDI in US surging, but facing restrictions
US FDI in China : $242.57bn 40b 30b 20b 10b Source: Chinese FDI in US : $110.08bn 40b 30b 20b 10b Source: Major Chinese purchases in US in past 2 years HNA ► CIT’s aircraft leasing unit HNA ► Hilton Hotels HNA ► Ingram Micro Qingdao Haier ► General Electric appliances business Anbang ► Strategic Hotels properties Apex Technology ► Lexmark Wanda ► Legendary Entertainment Chinese deals awaiting US security review Ant Financial ► MoneyGram HNA ► Skybridge Financial $880 million $10 billion $180 million $6.5 billion $6 billion Major Chinese deals blocked in 2017 Orient Hontai Capital ► AppLovin Canyon Bridge Capital Partners ► Lattice Semiconductor HNA ► Global Eagle Entertainment $1.4 billion $5.6 billion $5.5 billion $1.3 billion $3.6 billion $3.5 billion $400 million Source: Rhodium Group

5 Love-hate relationship, but an important one
95% Not Important Extremely important 40% Somewhat important 23% Very important 32% How important are positive bilateral relations between China and US to your business growth in China (2016) Source: AmCham China Business Climate Survey 2017 US views of China Favorable Unfavorable Chinese views about the US Favorable Unfavorable Source: Pew Research Center

6 Recent Developments 2017 April
Trump hosts Xi for talks at his Mar-a-Lago estate November China announces various measures opening financial and new energy vehicle sectors July First U.S.-China Comprehensive Economic Dialogue ends with no press conference or joint statement Recent Developments 2017 November Xi hosts Trump for state visit - $250 billion of “deals” signed July Conclusion of 10-point “Early Harvest,” including re-introduction of U.S. beef to the Chinese market October U.S. imposes anti-dumping duties on Chinese aluminum foil August U.S. initiates “Section 301” investigation of Chinese theft of intellectual property

7 Thank you!

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