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Gather with people who have the same favorite season as you.

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Presentation on theme: "Gather with people who have the same favorite season as you."— Presentation transcript:

1 Gather with people who have the same favorite season as you.

2 Line up in alphabetical order by first names.

3 Line up in the order of how many languages you know.

4 1. You have NO CHORES at home.
2. You have SOME CHORES at home. 3. You have LOTS of CHORES at home.

5 Line up in the order of shoe size.

6 Line up in the order of the time you wake up in the morning.

7 Gather with people who get to school the same way you do in the morning (bus, car…)

8 Gather with people who have the same eye color as you.

9 Which classmates did you have the most commonality?

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