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Afzal Hussain Mohammad and Abdul Ahad Yahiya Mohammed

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Afzal Hussain Mohammad and Abdul Ahad Yahiya Mohammed Advisor: Dr. Abdel Shakour Abuzneid Department of Computer Science, University of Bridgeport, CT. Abstract Introduction One of the most frequently encountered problem in Ad Hoc Networks is the breakage of node from the network. This breakage removes the link and the path of the node between the constructed networks. If the previously disconnected node joins back without any authenticity, there is a security threat to the network as the node may be corrupted. Establishing a security check to the node becomes of high importance before there is any exchange of data within the network. To address this issue, we have proposed a security approach by implementing Secret Key Establishment concept using El-Gamal Algorithm. There will be a key generation mechanism within the disconnected node and the neighbor nodes. The key will be generated and exchanged within the network by a process of secret share creation between the nodes prior to the actual data transformation by using encryption technique A Mobile ad hoc network (MANET) is a continuously Self-Configuring, infrastructure less network of mobile devices Connected wirelessly. MANETs are a kind of wireless ad hoc network that usually has a routable networking environment on top of a link layer ad hoc network. MANETs consist of a peer to peer , self- forming, self healing network DSR Algorithm Step 1: Let as consider N number of nodes consisting two networks. Step 2: Select Source and destination nodes Step 3: Source node sends Route Request packet (RREP) to all its neighbors with consisting 4 layers 1. Source id. 2. Intermediate nodes. 3. Source address. 4. Destination address. Step 4: Neighbor node checks its address with the destination node address. If it is matched the particular node is the destination node otherwise it will mark its address in intermediate node and pass the packet to its neighbors Step 5: In this way nodes pass the packet until it reaches the destination node. Step 6: By using the intermediate nodes the destination node pass RREP to source node. Step 7: In this way the route is established. Proposed Model Final Result Conclusion References In this article, a secure and efficient communication scheme for ad hoc networks is proposed. By comparison with other related schemes, the proposed scheme not only maintains good and sought after properties like establishment of fresh session keys, mutual authentication but also provides the advantage of user privacy preservation. Hence, can earn information about the user (e.g. location/user identification/transaction privacy).As a result, our proposed scheme is suitable for various ad hoc networks and privacy-vital applications in pervasive computing environments since it ensures and provides security, reliability, and efficiency. [1]  Chun-Ta Li a, Min- Shiang Hwang b,*, Yen-Ping Chu “A secure and efficient communication scheme with authenticated key establishment and privacy preserving for vehicular ad hoc networks” [2]  Rosy Pawar, Ashwani Kush ”Secret key establishment for self healing of ad hoc networks” [3] William Stallings “Cryptography and Network Security: Principles and Practice”, 5/E, Prentice Hall, 2010 [4] Lehane B., Doyle L., O’Mahony D, “Shared RSA key generation in a mobile ad hoc network”, Military Communications Conference, 2003, IEEE Xplore, pp , 2003.

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