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AEBAS Aadhaar Enabled Biometric Attendance System

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Presentation on theme: "AEBAS Aadhaar Enabled Biometric Attendance System"— Presentation transcript:

1 AEBAS Aadhaar Enabled Biometric Attendance System
The AEBAS system would enable an employee to register attendance by simply presenting his/her biometric (finger print/Iris). This event will be authenticated online after one to one match with the bio-metric attributes stored in the UIDAI data base against the employee’s Aadhaar number

2 Infrastructure Requirement @ Schools
Desktop System with Windows 7 or higher version Operating system Finger Print Device (May have IRIS Device also) – UIDAI specified RD certified devices Internet Connectivity etc

3 System’s - Work Flow TN State Nodal Officer @ Directorate
Nodal Officers @ DEO Level (eg. DEO, Central-Chennai) Reporting Schools (eg.: HM, ADVENT CHRISTIAN HS-Adyar ) Employees @ Schools (eg. Teachers / Non-Teaching Staffs)

4 Activities need to be done
@ State / DEOs / Reporting Officers / Employees - Levels Activities at State Level (a) On-boarding forms from each DEO will be collected, Coordinate with NIC-TNSC and get created domains for all the 120 DEOs eg. (b) Coordinate with NIC-TNSC and get create Designation Master, Location Master for the domain in the web-site. (2) Activities of a DEO level (Nodal Officer for the Block) – with the various options / menu available in his/her login (A) Manage Master (Master Creation) (a) ADD Division (Block) master through the admin user (ie. Block Name which comes under a DEO BLOCK eg. Adyar , Mylapore Blocks of DEO, Central, Chennai – can be added through this option) (b) ADD Designations - All Designations of Officials working under respective DEO can be added through this option (eg. HM / Accountant / Helper etc) (c) ADD Office Locations – School Name with Location Name and School Code can be added through this option (eg. Govt HSS-Adyar ) (d) ADD Device Location – Location of the FingerPrint Device to be Installed in the School can be added through this option (eg. Staff Room, HSS Adyar) (e) ADD / SET Office Timing – Office Timing can be set (eg. 9AM to 4PM)

5 (B) Manage Device (a) Create - Biometric Admin user (ie. Create Biometric Admin User/ Map the Admin user for a Location (ie) Finger Print Device to be installed in the School)– Authorize an employee in a device location to activate the Finger Print device (eg.: HM in a school) (b) Create - Activation Code Generate Activation Code for the Biometric Admin User to activate the Finger Print Device to be installed in the school. The system automatically will send the DEVICE-ACTIVATION-CODE to respective BIO-Admin user in his mail-id and also in his mobile to activate the device. This activation code need to be entered b y the bio-admin user – during first installation of the device. The validity of the activation code is 24Hrs, it can be used only once. Holidays (a) Add Holidays – Holidays can be added through this option. (D) Manage Employee (a) Employee New Request – Newly registered users / Newly registered employees are listed here. Employees registered against respective schools are verified by the respective DEO, if satisfied then the DEO can approve the newly registered employee to mark their attendance through AEBAS.

6 (b) Active Employees This option will list all active employees those are approved by the nodal officer . Through this option the nodal officer at DEO level can edit/update registered employee’s details. (c) Transfer Employee Transfer OUT By selecting an employee from the ACTIVE EMPLOYEE LIST a DEO can do TRANSFER-OUT for an employee who got transfer to other District Education Office. Transfer IN A DEO can do TRANSFER-IN for an employee who got transfer to his/her District Education Office (ie. Accept the employee to his/her District Education Office – who got transferred out from other DEO) (d) Mapping Employees to Reporting Officer A DEO need to map Attendance-IDs of all the sub-ordinate officials with the respective reporting officer (eg. Map all Teachers in a school to HM of the school). If the reporting officer’s name not in the list-box – please send mail to with the details of URL, Reporting Officer’s attendance-ID etc

7 (3) Activities of Reporting Officer at Schools (eg. HM)
(a) Coordinate and get register all the employees of the school in the concerned DEO’s portal. (ie. Complete Employee / User Registration) (b) Identify a Desktop System in their school with Internet Connection, Install Finger Print / IRIS – Device, Install the BAS software (c ) Coordinate with respective DEO, get DEVICE activation code for the newly installed Finger Print / IRIS device and activate the device. {ie. The biometric admin user of the school - need to key-in the activation-code and scan his/her finger print during the device activation time} (d) Coordinate with all the employees in their school for marking attendance. (4) Activities of schools (a) Register / get register in the concerned DEO’s portal for marking attendance etc (b) Get Activate their USER registration by respective Nodal DEO level - through their reporting officer. (c) Mark Attendance regularly They may also apply for tour, leave through this web-site

8 About Domain Name (1) No. of DEOs in Tamil Nadu – 120
All the 120 DEOs domain name list will be listed in the state AEBAS attendance portal (2) All the 120 DEOs will get a unique domain / web-site address (3) Name of the Domain site will be District Education Office Name followed by location (eg. – Here TN is the State Code; deocentral is Name of DEO; CHN is District Code for Chennai). May refer the following table for 3 digit district code. District Name District Code Ariyalur ARI Pudukkottai PDK Chennai CHN Ramanathapuram RMD Coimbatore CBE Salem SLM Cuddalore CUD Sivagangai SVG Dharmapuri DPI Thanjavur TNJ Dindigul DGL Theni THN Erode ERD Thiruchirappalli TRY Kancheepuram KPM Thiruvarur TVR Kanniyakumari KKM Thoothukudi TUT Karur KAR Tirunelveli TNV Krishnagiri KGI Tiruppur TPR Madurai MDU Tiruvallur TLR Nagapattinam NGP Tiruvannamalai TVM Namakkal NMK Vellore VEL Nilgiris NLG Villupuram VPM Perambalur PMB Virudhunagar VNR

9 (4) Location name Location Name Mean : Each school will be coded as School Name + DEO Location Name + School Code (eg. ADVENT CHRISTIAN HS-Adyar ) (5) Division (or) Block name Division names consist of block names of the respective DEO. (eg. There are two Blocks in DEO, Central Chennai – they are Adyar Block, Mylapor Block)

10 Some Important URLs (1)
(1) This site have AADHAR related details / guidelines etc. (2) Tamil Nadu State’s AEBAS attendance portal. Link for all the 120 DEO’s URLs Etc are available in this portal (3) Here you may download the BAS Software, Device Driver etc for Finger Print Device, IRIS Scanner Device etc.

11 Other Related powerpoint presentations
(A) For .NET Framework Installation refer AEBAS Technical Manual - Dot Net Framework Installation.pptx (B) For Finger Print Device Installation – May refer AEBAS Technical Manual - FP Installation.pptx (C) For Irishield IRIS Device Installation – May Refer AEBAS Technical Manual - IRIS Installation.pptx (D) For Mantra MISI00V2 IRIS Device Installation – May Refer AEBAS Technical Manual - Mantra IRIS Installation.pptx (E) For BAS SW installation Activation Code Generation Device Activation & Attendance Marking – May refer AEBAS Technical Manual - BAS SW installation.pptx Prepared by NIC, Tamil Nadu State Centre

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