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The Arts and Computing Drawing and modelling our very own superheroes. Painting a superhero night sky with watercolours. DT: creating and eating healthy.

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Presentation on theme: "The Arts and Computing Drawing and modelling our very own superheroes. Painting a superhero night sky with watercolours. DT: creating and eating healthy."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Arts and Computing Drawing and modelling our very own superheroes. Painting a superhero night sky with watercolours. DT: creating and eating healthy superfoods and creating masks. RE Our topics are called Families and Belonging Year 1 Curriculum map This term our topic is, Superheroes English Descriptive sentences labels and captions about our own superheroes. Instructions Humanities Historical heroes/ heroines Home learning will be given out on a Wednesday. Please return it by Monday. PE will be on a Wednesday. Please ensure your child has their kit in school. Reading books are changed Monday, Wednesday and Friday. Please ensure your child has read their book at least once a week. Mrs Smith Science Senses, parts of our body and healthy eating. Maths Number and place value; addition and subtraction. PSHE Recognising good and bad choices, keeping safe and making a positive contribution.

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