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Ngāi Te Rangi Settlement Trust

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Presentation on theme: "Ngāi Te Rangi Settlement Trust"— Presentation transcript:

1 Ngāi Te Rangi Settlement Trust
Financial Highlights For the year ended 30 June 2018

2 Contents Group Structure Highlights Performance Summary Revenue
Expenses Assets Investments Equity/Net Assets Looking Forward

3 Group Structure Majority consistent hapū/governance/senior management Te Rūnanga o Ngāi Te Rangi Iwi Trust Ngāi Te Rangi Iwi Settlement Trust 100% 100% 33% 100% Ngāi Te Rangi Fisheries AHC Limited Ngāi Te Rangi Hi Ika Limited Tauranga Moana Iwi Collective Leasing Company Ngāi Te Rangi Investments LP 16.7% 7.64% Mataatua Fishing Quota ACE Holdings Limited Iwi Collective Partnership – Koura Facilities Tauranga Moana Iwi Collective LP Key – Outline recorded within Group figures given full ownership Outline recorded as investments given low proportionate ownership

4 4 3 2 1 Highlights Equity Increase in net assets/equity of $0.7m.
Assets Increase in assets of $5.6m 92 Second Ave Purchase of commercial property to diversify our asset mix and mitigate risk Net Income Increase in net income (NST/NST LP) of $160k

5 Performance Summary NST NST LP Total Increase/Decrease Group 2018
Movement Revenue 859,355 170,726 993,823 149,927 3,686,317 3,537,313 149,004 Expenses 781,239 134,467 915,706 301,644 2,998,981 3,222,407 ,426 Net Operating Surplus 78,117 36,258 ,717 687,336 329,090 358,246 Gain/(Loss) from Investments 646,140 - 311,533 962,643 672,597 290,046 Total Net Income 724,256 724,257 159,816 1,649,979 1,001,686 648,292

6 Revenue Income Summary NST NST LP Total Increase/Decrease Group 2018
Movement Koha and Grants Received - 33,744 75,643 ,899 Contract Revenue 1,575,826 1,637,611 ,786 Dividends and Realised Gains 168,959 105,477 429,733 426,166 3,568 Fisheries Income 414,513 437,445 ,932 Interest Received 650,181 ,875 690,167 809,891 ,724 Other Income 40,214 3,957 3,599 361,615 150,558 211,057 Rental Income 170,726 180,720 Total Operating Income 859,355 993,823 149,927 3,686,317 3,537,313 149,004 Gain/(Loss) from Investments 646,140 311,533 962,643 672,597 290,046 Total Income 1,505,495 1,639,963 461,460 4,648,960 4,209,909 439,050

7 Expenses Income Summary NST NST LP Total Increase/Decrease Group 2018
Movement Wages and Salaries 295,879 - 93,821 1,704,126 1,653,280 50,846 Grants, Donations and Sponsorship 52,232 58,526 ,294 Operating Costs 198,051 69,102 267,154 132,907 966,251 1,274,991 ,740 Strategy and Implementation 257,614 123,367 138,614 56,622 81,992 Depreciation 4,832 65,365 70,197 63,230 112,895 42,443 70,452 Income Tax 24,863 ,681 136,544 ,681 Total Operating Expenses 781,239 134,467 915,706 301,644 2,998,981 3,222,407 ,426 Distributions to Marae 140,205 114,279 25,926 Total Costs 3,139,186 3,336,686 ,500

8 Balance Sheet Balance Sheet NST NST LP Total Increase/Decrease
Group 2018 Group 2017 Movement Assets 28,792,989 9,838,244 33,690,249 5,651,621 46,332,995 40,091,682 6,241,313 Liabilities 626,801 4,897,261 5,524,062 4,949,944 5,689,066 934,947 4,754,119 Net Assets / Equity 28,166,188 4,940,984 701,677 40,643,929 39,156,735 1,487,194

9 Assets Summary of Assets NST NST LP Total Increase/Decrease Group 2018
Movement Cash and Short Term Investments 13,175,499 90,594 13,266,094 ,779,074 14,437,686 21,932,065 ,494,379 Receivables 3,066 8,289 11,356 ,891 483,237 415,444 67,793 Taxes Receivable 170,012 - 146,608 316,623 68,424 248,199 Property, Plant and Equipment 6,151 ,855 476,926 423,852 53,074 Investment Property 9,739,361 Investments 15,423,619 10,482,636 3,562,646 16,607,053 12,983,084 3,623,969 Fisheries Quota 4,233,514 Other Assets 14,641 ,173 38,595 35,299 3,296 TOTAL ASSETS 28,792,989 9,838,244 33,690,249 5,651,621 46,332,995 40,091,682 6,241,313

10 Looking Forward Continue to assert mana whenua
Continue to diversify our asset mix to ensure long term risk mitigation Pursue long term investments that adhere to Ngāi te Rangi beliefs

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