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Kirsty Macari MRPTI AoU

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1 Kirsty Macari MRPTI AoU


3 We believe in the power of design to improve people’s lives

4 Everything is designed, it’s just some design misses the point.
We all know bed design, most of you will be dealing with the effects of it every day….. Every place where there’s nowhere that feels safe to play so kids don’t go outside and get any exercise, or when they do they’re seen as a nuisance. Every home where there’s no privacy and you feel on show and vulnerable to whoever walks past, every community where there’s dark unobserved paths you feel too scared to walk along – someone drew it and someone decided to spend money making it.  Design was paid for, even if we didn’t get what we expected from it If we’re to focus development to ensure we create a backdrop which helps sustainable, resilient communities then the process of engagement with the community is obviously the most important thing – and I’m not going to presume to talk to you about that – but there are some simple design principles that will help make the aspirations real.



7 Dunbeg near Oban: Link & West Highland HA with Elder & Cannon and Gillespies
Dunbeg will be a new community of 300 homes on the west coast. They’ve taken on a huge and fantastic site, and placed their development in a way that knits together the existing village, a previous isolated phase of development, and areas of public and tourism infrastructure so there’s enough people to attract shops and other amenities.

8 The project team have looked really closely at how communities in Argyll have an identity of gathering into informal groupings finding shelter in small pockets within a wild and lumpy landscape. with landscape is used for connection, recreation as well as drainage,

9 Inverkeithing : Kingdom HA with 7N
In Fife, a place is coming out the ground that looks just like the ‘artists visualisations’. The team have done a lot of work thinking about making the buildings energy efficient and the heating systems really easy to use so the homes are sustainable. They’ve also developed really adaptable layouts so there’s some tenants choice. On the building’s they ripped up the pattern book and are getting a really positive response from the community with a very high returner rate of existing tenants and people in adjacent areas asking if they can move in. Inverkeithing : Kingdom HA with 7N

10 But the biggest change in terms of the structure of the place
But the biggest change in terms of the structure of the place. From a canyon that cut through and separated two groups of housing, the new layout provides a series of places on a route, and cross links. It resolves fronts and backs, providing defensible space, and you can see how much more green it is than the neigbouring area of a similar or lower density where people have tiny gardens, and most space is parking.

11 Laurieston Glasgow : New Gorbals HA with
Page/Park, Elder & Cannon and Ian White Associates Laurieston Glasgow : New Gorbals HA with Sheppard Robson In Laurieston the team have developed the normal perimeter block layout, opening up the corners to bring light and views in, so while these spaces are still just for the residents they’re warmer more pleasant spaces and apparently used much mre than more traditional back courts.

12 The buildings have small private outdoor space for that cup of tea or pot plant. The balconies also provife some shading from the strongest summer sun which will be increasingly important as we get warmer summers.

13 Leith Fort: Port of Leith HA with Collective Architecture, MFA and Harrison Stevens
In Leith, the team have adapted a traditional colonies format which provides good observation and defensible space to both sides of a terrace, and arranged them around a landscape that can be used for play

14 Layers of semi-public and more private spaces add privacy to homes (while keeping observation of the street so people passing by feel safer) and provide an outlook onto something green that you can adapt to suit you.

15 Level 2, The Lighthouse, 11 Mitchell Lane, Glasgow, G1 3NU
Find out more about Architecture and Design Scotland: @ArcDesSco T: E: Bakehouse Close, 146 Canongate, Edinburgh EH8 8DD Level 2, The Lighthouse, 11 Mitchell Lane, Glasgow, G1 3NU 09/04/2019 © Architecture and Design Scotland

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