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My Charge to You Looking Ahead

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1 My Charge to You Looking Ahead 2012-2013
Let me be one of the multitude today that will congratulate you for being selected to be the President of your Club. Congratulations !!! I have to tell you it is indeed and honor and privilege to have the opportunity to be your District Governor for What we see before us here is the RI theme -- RI President-elect Sakuji Tanaka will ask Rotarians to build Peace Through Service in Tanaka unveiled the RI theme during the opening plenary session of the 2012 International Assembly, a training event for incoming Rotary district governors. "Peace, in all of the ways that we can understand it, is a real goal and a realistic goal for Rotary," he said. "Peace is not something that can only be achieved through agreements, by governments, or through heroic struggles. It is something that we can find and that we can achieve, every day and in many simple ways.” Through Service we can achieve Peace in your club, community and this District as a start … PLAY VIDEO ………………………….. CLTS | 1

2 RI Theme RI Theme “Peace Through Service”
It is a simple theme with powerful implications … let’s ‘Make it Happen’ together Let’s remember our focus: ‘You The Rotarian’ Tell Your Story’ ‘Your Rotary Club’ Tell Your Clubs Story … let’s attract people Now I have taken his theme a step further by developing an internal theme that will help us strengthen Your Clubs by focusing the entire District on two things You the Rotarian and Your Club. As we Rotarians and Clubs consider the challenge put before us by we have opportunity to examine our own individual reasons for being in Rotary, what we have to offer to Your Clubs, and what we can do to individually and collectively make a difference in the world. If You are excited about Your Club and being a Rotarian then the responsibility we have to Rotary will happen. Each Rotarian shares a responsibility to make Your Rotary Clubs stronger by attracting quality members and ensuring that every club meeting and project is productive and meaningful. I will ensure that the outstanding team of District leaders we have put together will help you ‘Make it Happen’. Our goal is to be responsive in supporting ‘You’ and ‘Your Rotary Club’. TELL MY STORY …….. CLTS | 2

3 “Shoot for the moon. Even if you miss, you'll land among the stars.”
Don’t forget these … 2500 250 $250 55 “Shoot for the moon. Even if you miss, you'll land among the stars.” CLTS 3

4 Thanks to Interactors …
Thanks to the District Staff and Trainers for making this a rewarding day for all … Thanks to Interactors … Thanks to the Daniel Technology Center staff for their great support .. The District team is here for one reason: to support your vision and provide resources for ‘Your Club’s’ success. Above all, let’s have fun and embrace Rotary fellowship. An exceptional year is ahead, and together we can transform the lives of others as we help create “Peace Through Service”. Our Rotary club presidents have set Foundation and Membership goals that reflect their belief that "reaching for the stars" is something that can and should be done. It will be an exciting year for District 7610 as we work together to fulfill the Object of Rotary and Peace through Selfless Acts of Service. CLTS | 4

5 And last but not least thanks for your time …
We are excited about the year ahead … I hope you are as well … It truly is a year of transition … so let’s work together Besides ‘Making it Happen’ this year -- the year after we will be under the Future Vision and every club will be under the CLP The District team is here for one reason: to support your vision and provide resources for ‘Your Club’s’ success. Above all, let’s have fun and embrace Rotary fellowship. An exceptional year is ahead, and together we can transform the lives of others as we help create “Peace Through Service”. Our Rotary club presidents have set Foundation and Membership goals that reflect their belief that "reaching for the stars" is something that can and should be done. It will be an exciting year for District 7610 as we work together to fulfill the Object of Rotary and Peace through Selfless Acts of Service. CLTS | 5

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