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Presentation on theme: "l-5-revision-in-a-nutshell/"— Presentation transcript:

1 l-5-revision-in-a-nutshell/

2 Close up on shaking hands

3 makes us feel that this will be traumatic and scarring for both soldiers and us.
Shows how war affects people Introduces that it will not be a happy story Makes us imagine the trauma that the men have already experienced Prediction of what the men will experience

4 Camera moves with the waves

5 make us feel like we are on a boat
puts us in the position of the soldiers makes us feel disorientated and almost sea sick. Imitates the feeling of the soldiers and makes the film feel more immediate and action packed. Creates a more emotional reaction from the audience.

6 Point of view shot

7 makes us see what the German soldiers would see as they look down at the beach.
It gives us an overview of the beach and lets us see how many people are dying. It also creates a high angle shot looking down on the American soldiers and making them look weak as they are easy prey at this moment in time.

8 High Angle shot

9 When the men are in the boats we can’t see beyond this boat which helps to build tension and fear as we do not know what the scene will be like outside the security of the boat. Makes them men look weak as they are afraid of the battle to come Makes us think this will be unsuccessful

10 Soundtrack

11 Noise of bullets, explosion and screaming of soldiers.
It is so loud that we can hardly hear the instructions given to the soldiers. The only time the noise is dulled is when they are in the water and when Captain Miller is in shock. This level of noise gives us a feeling of confusion as we are not sure what is happening are able to feel a similar panic to that of the soldiers.

12 Point of View Shot

13 makes us feel like we are running behind the soldiers towards the barbed wire and just following anyone who might be able to help to keep us safe. Chaos It often shows things from unexpected angles as if we are lying on the ground. moves very quickly from one part of the beach to another and prevents us from being able to focus on one thing for anything length of time.

14 “I hope you won’t blame me too much”

15 One of the only times that Patrick speaks
Word choice of “blame” – someone is at fault, makes the reader question the idea of right and wrong Makes Patrick seem cold and heartless. Emphasises the collapse of the perfect relationship that Mary believed that she had. Makes Patrick seem very self-centred Creates sympathy for Mary as her feelings have been hurt

16 “Everything was automatic now”

17 Mary had lost control of her actions
Word choice of “automatic” - Autopilot She had clearly gone into shock Creates sympathy for Mary as her life has been broken into pieces and she has not had time to recover Trying to continue with life Following her normal routine Beginning of the turning point as this leads her to the leg of lamb

18 “There was a slow smiling air around her.”

19 Alliteration – slow, sinister sound, suggests that maybe everything is not as it seems
Positive comment Relaxed environment Pleasant person who gives out a natural glow and makes the people around her feel happy Sets us up to believe that Mary and her life are perfect Acts as a contrast to the actual plot and the actions that Mary engages with.

20 “She might as well have hit him with a steel club”

21 Illustrates the force that she hit him with.
Word choice of “steel” – makes it sound more violent and hard, creates the impression of a real weapon Demonstrates the anger that she felt towards him and the fact that she would wish to punish him for hurting her so much. Comparison of the leg of lamb to a steel club creates a more violent image than you would expect Shatters the illusion that Mary is a victim.

22 “Keep things absolutely natural and there’ll be no need for acting at all”

23 Creates a more sinister impression of Mary as she does not begin grieving and instead covers her track to ensure that she will not be caught. Prepared to go to great lengths to avoid a death sentence. “Natural” is a contrast to this day and her actions as she is behaving in a very unexpected way to surprise and shock the reader.

24 “HOW DARK?”

25 Question – emphasises racist attitude as she clearly sees the colour of his skin as a problem
Capital letter – create an aggressive tone, suggest that she is shouting Word choice “dark” sounds negative and therefore illustrating the landlady’s racist attitude

26 I hate a wasted journey


28 “Red Booth. Red pillar-box. Red double tiered/Omnibus squelching tar”


30 “Truthfulness changed her accent/Hard on the mouthpiece”


32 “Madam, I pleaded, wouldn’t you rather/See for yourself?”


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