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North Berwick High School

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1 North Berwick High School
All languages count North Berwick High School 31st January

2 SCILT Our vision is to promote and support the delivery of high quality language learning within a climate which celebrates all languages; where language skills make a significant contribution to a fairer, smarter and more successful Scotland.

3 Pupils overheard… What’s the point? I am not going to use it.
Everyone speaks English. I am never going to visit Germany. Why are we not learning Japanese? It is too difficult.

4 Why is it important to learn a language?

5 of the world speak no English at all.
75% of the world speak no English at all.

6 Scotland

7 “We live in a complex, interdependent world
“We live in a complex, interdependent world. We have to understand and appreciate different backgrounds and languages. There’s a personal and societal opportunity. If we have stronger skills in languages, it gives us a greater foundation on which we can build our aspirations to connect with and do business with other countries.”

8 Languages Culture Career Creativity Communication


10 What’s in a name?

11 Everyone speaks English.

12 Language is part of your identity.

13 Culture

14 “If you speak to a man in a language he understands that goes straight to his head, if you speak to a man in a language that is his that goes straight to his heart.”

15 Your world is changing Brexit
Pupil – think/pair/share time to consider picture. What does it mean? Brexit

16 Career


18 What are google looking for in their employees?
Ability to be a good coach and demonstrate you can communicate and listen well. Possess insights into others their different values and points of view. You show empathy towards and are supportive of your colleagues. Good critical thinkers and problem solvers who can make connections across complex ideas.

19 By learning a language, you develop ALL of these skills


21 Creativity

22 You will have a better memory. You will be more creative.
Your brain will grow. You will have a better memory. You will be more creative.

23 Reference:

24 Communication

25 “To have another language is to possess a second soul.”
– Charlemagne

26 Remember you are the future and the future won’t have subtitles!
English is not enough!

27 Louise Glen, SCILT 謝謝 19/03/2011 Let’s share …!

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