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Labour Market Flexibility and Decent Work

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Presentation on theme: "Labour Market Flexibility and Decent Work"— Presentation transcript:

1 Labour Market Flexibility and Decent Work
Gerry Rodgers, International Institute for Labour Studies, ILO, Geneva 4/9/2019

2 Labour Market Flexibility and Decent Work
The debate on flexibility Forms of flexibility Effects in industrialized and developing countries Labour institutions and social models The goal of decent work: flexibility, security and dialogue 4/9/2019

3 Forms of flexibility Employment protection Wage flexibility
Internal or functional flexibility Supply side flexibility 4/9/2019

4 Graph 1 Strictness of Employment Protection Legislation 4/9/2019
Source: OECD Employment Outlook 2004

5 Graph 2 Labour Market Institutions and Unemployment:
Employment Protection Employment protection laws and unemployment, (20 countries, 4 five-year periods). Source: Baker et al (2005) 4/9/2019

6 Graph 3 Bargaining coordination
Labour Market Institutions and Unemployment: Bargaining coordination Source: Baker et al (2005) 4/9/2019

7 Graph 4 Change in Job Tenure and Labour Productivity Growth, 1992-2002
Source: Auer et al (2004) 4/9/2019

8 Graph 5 Employment security or labour market security?
Employment security or labour market security? High Labour Market Policy spending Low Labour Market Policy spending High Employment Protection France Germany Japan Portugal, Greece, Italy, Spain Low Denmark Belgium, (Netherlands), Finland, (Ireland) United States United Kingdom Source: Auer, 2006 4/9/2019

9 Decent work Employment Rights at work Social protection
Social dialogue Gender equality Security and dignity 4/9/2019

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