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The Island.

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1 The Island


3 Phase1: Basic Human Needs
Our entire First Hour goes on a cruise to celebrate Mr. K’s return to teaching! Everyone is celebrating when an unexpected and violent storm throws the ship off course. Now, we are all shipwrecked on an uninhabited island in the middle of nowhere, with no hope of rescue. Ever. Your group must create a simple plan of action to deal with immediate issues like food, water, shelter, etc. Explain your plan to deal with these issues, and any other immediate survival issues you may face upon arriving on the island. (5-10 points) All individually write but discuss with group first and all write the SAME


5 Phase2: Organization With such a large group, getting anything done is becoming more and more difficult. Everyone must work together in order to survive. Your group must set up a plan for government. Who is in charge? (one person, group, etc.) How were they picked? How long will the be in charge? How will decisions get made? (5-10 points) Next create a list of 5 laws everyone must follow. How do you go about starting from scratch…

6 Phase 3: Rules! As time has gone by, it has come to your attention that your group is in desperate need of a domestic policy. You have laws, but they must be enforced. Describe how your government will deal with each of the following scenarios: Someone in your group has repeatedly broken the laws. (3-5 points) Some people are not contributing as much as others. This leaves those who are working hard very frustrated. (3-5 points) Your group stumbles upon a small stash of a rare, limited resource (batteries perhaps?) How will it be divided up between you? How will this be decided? (3-5 points)

7 4 a. Things begin disappearing. You have a thief on your hands! What process will you use to find the guilty party? (3-5 sentences) b. There is one particularly obnoxious person who is annoying the whole group every time he speaks. Most of the group wants to banish him to the other side of the island. How will your gov’t handle this situation? (3-5 sentences) c. Someone is found dead in their hut, and everyone knows who did it. (They had had a fight the night before) How does your gov’t handle punishment for the ultimate crime? (3-5 sentences) Freedom vs. safety ?

8 5 Scouts from your group discover a hostile tribe (P.H.S. perhaps?) living on a nearby island. Think about how your government will deal with this hostile tribe, and how will you deal with other tribes, both hostile and friendly, that you may meet in the future? -Write a formal statement, outlining your government’s official foreign policy. (5-10 sentences) EX: Our government’s top priority is… This means when dealing with hostile tribes we take the position of… If we encounter a friendly trip it is our belief…

9 6 Ahoy!! You spot a pirate ship in the distance, and it is heading toward your island looking like its ready to invade and conquer. Your government now must determine how it will deal with the imminent threat of war. How will this situation be handled? Who decides and/or how is the decision made regarding whether or not your people will go to war? (3-5 sentences) Who will fight? What, if any, are the options/consequences for those who wish not to go to war? (3-5 sentences)

10 7  Turn in your group paper (make sure everyone’s names are on it). Now each individual will assess the government your group came up with. On your own separate sheet of paper answer the following questions in a 7-10 sentence paragraph. When you are done put your name on it and turn it in! What are the strengths of your government? What are its weaknesses? What potential problems do you see? What are your general opinions regarding the potential success or failure of your government? Why we need govt Lincoln story selflessness- Platos REPUBLIC

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