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Colorado CASA Conference Data Matters!

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1 Colorado CASA Conference Data Matters!

2 National CASA Performance Measurement Committee
National CASA is known for its volunteers “best- interest advocacy” for abused and neglected children National CASA has In-house Performance Measures and Research team of professionals which include specialization in developmental psychology, applied anthropology, developmental evaluation, and business administration

3 National CASA Performance Measurement Committee
In 2012 National CASA commissioned Child Trends to assess the capacity of National CASA as an organization to collect and effectively report data to demonstrate efficacy and guide the network Based on recommendations from Child Trends, National CASA has significantly increased rigor in data collection and response rates to bi-annual organization-wide surveys, constructed National and State Logic Models, and established a network-wide Performance Measurement Committee

4 National CASA Performance Measurement Committee
National CASA is following an Evidence-Based pathway. Three distinct but interconnected components have been identified as essential to establishing our evidence base: Judges’ Perspective Study Volunteer effectiveness study A child outcomes study

5 National CASA Performance Measurement Committee
The first studies to be conducted will be the Judges’ Perspective Study and the Volunteer Retention studies to: demonstrate and document the baseline evidence for the intervention beginning in the courtroom report the effectiveness of how the volunteers observe and work with the children and youth in every setting to represent their best interests National CASA completed an RFI and RFP seeking national research partners to conduct studies of evidence-based practices. Chapin Hall was selected to conduct the Judges Perspective Study. University of South Carolina was selected to conduct the Volunteer Retention Study.

6 National CASA Performance Measurement Committee
What is the National CASA Performance Measurement Committee? As an extension to the in house professional team there is a network-wide Committee comprised of 17 state and program leaders from across the country They conduct peer review of baseline evaluation efforts targeted to strengthen program evaluation to be focused over time on impact and implementation Bylaws recently completed which approves membership for two years Meets once per month

7 National CASA Performance Measurement Committee
Over the last year the National CASA Performance Measurement Committee focused on the following: Wrapping up the goal of every state having a logic model (Colorado was one of the first 9 states to complete this) This was completed through a series of webinars and peer support/review Next step is roll out from state level logic models to local programs (Oregon and Iowa are pilot states-Testing the four training modules beginning in March and will continue through May)

8 National CASA Performance Measurement Committee
Roll out process locally will be: 2-3 prep meetings with state leaders to brainstorm options of delivery and select training modules’ design(s) and implementation plan(s) Run roll-out design(s) and implementation plans(s) by relevant councils and committees for review and feedback Phasing the training by holding/offering intensive trainings for early adopter-states and local programs, and thereafter to the entire network

9 National CASA Performance Measurement Committee
Roll out process locally continued: Roll-out the implementation plan to the network, simultaneously in multiple states/regions/locations Identify measurable outputs and outcomes that programs have in each state, and individually Customize Logic Models to the pattern of delivery in each state/program Identify champion local programs that can lead the process in each state, and provide coaching and mentoring to struggling programs within states

10 National CASA Performance Measurement Committee
Upcoming the Committee will be working on Peer Coordinator Evaluation. In summary, while National CASA is dedicated to moving from anecdote to data using evidence based approach these steps will take time. Therefore, local momentum to collect data will continue to be important.

11 Colorado Data Committee
The Colorado CASA Data Committee was created to move efforts forward in creating evidence based outcomes in the tireless work that CASA advocates do every day. As of a few years ago, CASA programs were only able to report output measures which typically only lent themselves to number of children/ cases served. From its inception nearly six years ago we have come to a place where we are compiling measures that are consistent across the state.

12 Colorado Data Committee
General Advocacy a. Safety b. Permanency c. Placement Stability d. Health e. Mental Health

13 Colorado Data Committee
2. Educational Advocacy 3. Youth Advocacy (ages 14-21)

14 Colorado Data Committee
Through the outcomes project that the Sweet 16 completed 23 outcome measures were developed within the previous listed outcome areas. Well- being assessments were created to measure those outcomes.

15 Colorado Data Committee
Where we are today…. Accomplishments: Statewide we are collecting the same data The data committee was able to determine it was more effective and consistent to capture data quarterly rather than before every court hearing We have the ability to extract raw data State office has access to summarized data from local programs

16 Colorado Data Committee
Where we are today…. Let’s Celebrate!!! Programs are participating consistently the past two quarters. CASA in Colorado has hired a data evaluator, Lily Susmann who will be working closely with local programs and Colorado Health and Human Services to ensure data is delineated appropriately to the Colorado Legislature. This newly created position will aid programs in extracting data points and how to best use this information in their community to bring awareness as well as increasing advocacy efforts for children.

17 Local Program and Advocate Use of Data
How does data and the Well-being Assessments affect my local program? Dial into specific areas within the assessment for comparison of quarter to quarter to see improvements or possible trainings appropriate to raise this score. Utilize comparison data (qualitative and quantitative data) from year to year on particular children to discuss outcomes and efforts to grantors, funders and community members. Allows Program staff to identify areas where training or supervision may be lacking in order to better serve all children.

18 Local Program and Advocate Use of Data
How does data and Well Being Assessments affect my work as an advocate? Identify advocacy areas where the child may be struggling Identify advocacy areas where more services are needed by recognition of a lower score or continual decline of score. Shows trends for individual child. Allows advocate pinpoint particular traumas or successful interventions where scores may dip or increase. Allows Program staff to identify areas where training or supervision may be lacking in order to better serve your child.

19 “Coming together is a beginning. Keeping together is progress
“Coming together is a beginning. Keeping together is progress. Working together is success.” – Henry Ford

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