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The OER Landscape and the Context for Open Textbooks: The Flyover Catherine M. Casserly, Ph.D. The William and Flora Hewlett Foundation January 15, 2008.

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Presentation on theme: "The OER Landscape and the Context for Open Textbooks: The Flyover Catherine M. Casserly, Ph.D. The William and Flora Hewlett Foundation January 15, 2008."— Presentation transcript:

1 The OER Landscape and the Context for Open Textbooks: The Flyover Catherine M. Casserly, Ph.D. The William and Flora Hewlett Foundation January 15, 2008 Dr. Kanter came up with this title – which is quite appropriate since I have always referred to OER as something Hewlett is building while in flight Hewlett funded OER since 2001 – MIT OCW first grant – now over 170 institutions worldwide in OCWC– more successful than we could ever imagined Including SOFIA courses Active portfolio of 60 grants – many grantees in this room – active portfolio of 40 million

2 Hewlett’s Involvement in OER
Equalize Access to Knowledge for All Build Infrastructure Transform Teaching and Learning Demonstrate Value of OER second phase of work Two explicit goals, the first to achieve the second First – knowledge is a public good, value of access/www and technology provide an extraordinary opportunity; harness the power of the web Transform teaching and learning – focus on pedagogy; high demand areas not a pipeline of supply Shift focus to second goal – where open textbooks comes in – three areas of focus CC BY NC SA 2.0 Jason Hudson

3 Three great strengths of OER
Open (Free) for all on the web Open for downloading, using and reusing: Personalization, cooperation, cultural and linguistic appropriateness (ADA compliant) This enhances collaboration, fosters creativity and provides the opportunity to rapidly loop and improve materials via many small contributions Valued access, high quality 3

4 Differentiate instruction Motivate and engage Inquiry-based
Transform Teaching and Learning: (1) Research and Development of Open Participatory Learning Environments Differentiate instruction Motivate and engage Inquiry-based Deepen learning Significant effect on student outcomes Understand the role of social media in learning Participatory learning environments

5 Transform Teaching and Learning: Open Participatory Learning Environments
Stat Tutor from Carnegie Mellon Accelerate Learning Time by Half This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License

6 Transform Teaching and Learning: Open Participatory Learning Environments
Gulf of Maine Research Institute - Vital Signs CC BY NC ND GMRI This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License

7 Transform Teaching and Learning: Open Participatory Learning Environments
Gulf of Maine Research Institute - Vital Signs CC BY NC ND GMRI This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License

8 Immersive and engaging Balance ability and challenge Incentives
Transform Teaching and Learning: (2) Game-based Environments for Teaching Complex Learning Open code to content Immersive and engaging Balance ability and challenge Incentives Extensible Build a theoretical framework for open game-based learning Teaching complex learning

9 Transform Teaching and Learning: Game Based Environments
Open Language Learning Initiative This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License

10 Transform Teaching and Learning: (3) Open Textbooks
Free/low cost in print form Immersive/interactive Embedded assessments Games The textbook/course continuum When is a textbook a course? When is a course a textbook? Open textbooks – vision Want efficiencies and economies of scale Interactive, videos – not as passive recipients – want students analyzing, creating, collaborating, continually assessing their learning Faculty – localizing content as appropriate for their students Open textbooks as a disruptive technology Open for modification and change - adaption Last bullet Jia and Gary did a nice job framing this in their paper

11 Transform Teaching and Learning: Open Textbooks

12 Networks/ Partnerships Intellectual Property
Infrastructure Core Agencies Networks/ Partnerships Intellectual Property Guidelines Sustainability Research Metrics Pam to add

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