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Renata Górecka Agnieszka Walczyńska - Jeleń

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1 Renata Górecka Agnieszka Walczyńska - Jeleń
THE FUTURE SIMPLE Renata Górecka Agnieszka Walczyńska - Jeleń

2 Form: Subject + will/shall + infinitive
Example: I will help you. The questions are formed through inversion e.g.: Will you help me?

3 “Will” is an auxiliary verb which indicates the future intentions of the speaker and needs to be accompanied by a verb in an infinitive form. Its negative form consists of “will not” and can be abbreviated to the form of “won’t”. The auxiliary verb “will” is the same for all persons both in singular and plural form. The auxiliary “will” cannot be used together with the modal verb “can” used as an infinitive. Instead we use “to be able to”, e.g. I will can speak English next year. – WRONG I will be able to speak English next year. - CORRECT

4 Uses Generally speaking, we use Future Simple to talk about future events, decisions or plans, but such plans which are not yet certain or such decisions which are taken spontaneously, especially as a response to somebody’s offer.

5 A We use the Future Simple to express:
opinions or predictions but usually based on our intuition not facts She'll pass the exam. assumptions Jill has been away a long time. When she returns, she'll find a lot of changes. speculations about the future She'll come back at 10 p.m.

6 The Future Simple may be introduced by verbs:
assume be afraid be/feel sure (I ’m sure) you’ll pass. believe daresay doubt expect hope know suppose think wonder (I wonder) what will happen. or accompanied by adverbs such as perhaps, possibly, probably (He will (probably ) be home late this evening.),surely, but can be used without them.

7 B The Future Simple is used for future habitual actions
Winter will come back again. C The Future Simple is used in sentences, which contain clauses of condition, time and sometimes purpose If I drop this glass, it will break. If he runs, he’ll get there in time. E The Future Simple is used mainly in newspapers (“Newspaper: The President will open the new heliport tomorrow. The fog will persist in all areas.”) and news broadcasts, for formal advertisements of future plans and for weather forecasts (It will rain in a moment.).

8 F We often use the Future Simple to make a promise Thanks for lending me the money. I’ll pay you back on Monday.

9 Will or shall? Shall is an auxiliary most often used in form of offers or suggestions . e.g. Shall I open the window? Shall we go for a walk?

10 Shall can only be used in this form when accompanied by we or I.
The auxiliary “shall” is sometimes used as a replacement for “will” to express speaker’s intention but nowadays it is considered to be a very formal structure, used especially in business writing e.g.” We shall contact you as soon as possible.”

11 “Shall” is also commonly used in question tags after let's: Let's go, shall we? Because „shall“ is used in formal language it is also quite often used by politicians or other officials, especially when they want to stress their determination to do something „We shall fight and we shall win.“ „Shall“ is also common in the language of law or regulations, instructions or asking for advice “What shall I do with it?“

12 One of the most typical form of „shall“ is used in the Ten Commandments e.g. „You shall not steal“ It is often used when making threats You shall regret it! or expressing speaker’s commands You shall not pass! or promises You shall get that ring.

13 In the examples above “shall” can be replaced with “will”, however, the statements sound “stronger” when “shall” is used. “Shall” cannot be replaced with “will” when the speaker talks about habits (especially the annoying ones) He will bite his nails, no matter what I do!

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