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Cough for 3 weeks (Smoking history : 30 PY)

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1 Cough for 3 weeks (Smoking history : 30 PY)
서울아산병원 F 박찬호












13 Endobronchial papilloma
◇ Two clinical presentation 1) Multiple – trcheobronchial papillomatosis - m/c children and young adult - asso. HPV type 6 & 11 infection 2) Solitary – middle aged adults a) Squamous cell (m/c) b) Glandular (rare) c) Mixed squamous cell and glandular (rare)

14 Endobronchial papilloma
◇ Glandular papilloma (20 cases) - Arise from mucosal surface of central trachea-bronchial tree - Mean age : 60 yrs - Obstructive symptom (main symptom : cough) - No reports of malignant transformation Radiologic findings - Polypoid intraluminal mass - Atelectasis and obstructive pneumonitis - Involvement of the distal airway  Pulmonary nodules (frequently cavitate) <References> 1. Shigeki Suzuki et al. Rapidly growing glandular papilloma associated with mucus production: a case report. World Journal of Surgical Oncology 2014;12:160 2. Kaseda et al. Solitary glandular papilloma of the peripheral lung: a report of two cases. World Journal of Surgical Oncology 2014;12:149 3. Motoo Nakagawa et al. CT findings of Bronchial Glandular papilloma. J Thorac Imaging 2008;23(3): 4. Park CM, Goo JM, Lee HJ. Tumors in the Tracheobronchial Tree: CT and FDG PET Features. Radiographics 2009;29:55-71.

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