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English Learner Advisory Committee

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1 English Learner Advisory Committee
Welcome to ELAC! English Learner Advisory Committee

2 What is ELAC? A group for parents of English Learners (ELs) Representatives of each native language Inform and discuss EL topics

3 When do we meet? Once per trimester: - October 23, 2018 - February 13, 2019 - April 23, 2019

4 DELAC District English Learner Advisory Committee
One District English Learner Advisory Committee (DELAC) representative per school DELAC Representative Attends district DELAC meetings Votes on district matters on behalf of Dapplegray

5 DELAC Meetings All parents of English Learners are welcome to attend the DELAC meetings held in the Community Room at the Malaga Cove District Office from 10:00 – 11:30 a.m. on the following Wednesdays: November 7, 2018 January 30, 2019 March 13, 2019 April 17, 2019 May 15, 2019

6 English Language Proficiency Assessments for California
Annual Assessments English Language Proficiency Assessments for California Initial ELPAC test (taken once) Students who are new to the State of California will take the Initial ELPAC test within 30 days of enrollment. Results from this test are used to determine a student’s Language Fluency and appropriate support. Summative ELPAC test (taken annually) All students who are determined to be part of the English Learner community will take the Summative ELPAC each spring at their school site. Results from this test will be used to continue language support and determine eligibility towards reclassification (RFEP).

7 English Language Development Levels
ELD Standards Proficiency Initial ELPAC Summative ELPAC Emerging* (requires substantial linguistic support) Novice* English Learner Level 1* Beginning Stage Expanding (requires moderate linguistic support) Intermediate English Learner Level 2* Somewhat Developed Level 3 Moderately Developed Bridging (requires light linguistic support) IFEP (Initial Fluent English Proficient) Level 4 Well Developed Reclassification (may begin in 3rd grade) *receives EL support services

8 Reclassification (RFEP)
Students in Grades 3, 4 or 5 who score overall proficiency level of 4 on Summative ELPAC Report card grades: English Language Arts grade of 3.5 or better CAASPP results: ELA Level 3 or or “Proficient” or “Exceeds” on Scholastic Reading Inventory (SRI taken at school in October & February) Parent(s) will be notified

9 Supports at Dapplegray
Differentiated Instruction Classroom strategies Possibly modified assignments/tests Use of translator devices EL Support Services Depending on need, students will receive individual or small group instruction from EL Aide (push in and pull out services)

10 Questions?

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